APP - If minorities in poorer areas changed their culture would shootings decrease?

Ass Man

Enjoying the view
How many of you know policeman in the metro areas? Do you ever talk to them about the things they see/encounter? Things like little kids being killed over a pair of air jordans or a new coat? Innocents shot during drive bys? Teenagers playing knockout ( an awful attack on seniors).

Personally I think if cities like Chicago would let law abiding citizens in neighborhoods like Englewood arm themselves for their protection killings would be greatly reduced. In my opinion a cop is an idiot if he does not protect himself first when encountering a nut that can't follow simple directions.

A good mayor could fix Chicago, unfortunately they don't have one and without an honest voting system, they never will.
Large cities are essentially no go zones. The donkeys made them this way. Wall them and let things sort themselves out.
Large cities are essentially no go zones. The donkeys made them this way. Wall them and let things sort themselves out.

I like that idea too. I went to Rams game once and not knowing the area stayed in a Holiday Inn on Grand Avenue. 2 blocks from our hotel a kid about 12 was shot, his shoes and jacket taken and steam was still coming off his body when we drove by. It just floors me that the left does not care that this shit goes on. I live in an area were conceal carry is allowed, every once in a while we get some smartass from St. Louis or Memphis that thinks he can take advantage of the area, they always end up dead or in the hospital.
I think it is deeper than that. I think the culture in these neighborhoods has changed as people are afraid to stand up to thugs that invade their neighborhoods because a liberal government keeps them from doing so.
I think it is deeper than that. I think the culture in these neighborhoods has changed as people are afraid to stand up to thugs that invade their neighborhoods because a liberal government keeps them from doing so.

It is very sad that the working class who elected them have had their world corrupted and overrun by the underworld.
They can't escape, they can't just be left alone. They are screwed and there is no unscrewing it.
The only chance is to give drugs away free. This will cut off the revenue stream and the gangs will die.
Has to be free not just legal.
It is very sad that the working class who elected them have had their world corrupted and overrun by the underworld.
They can't escape, they can't just be left alone. They are screwed and there is no unscrewing it.
The only chance is to give drugs away free. This will cut off the revenue stream and the gangs will die.
Has to be free not just legal.

I just think citizens have to take a stand, support the police, and report things are going on around them. We aren't large but when gangs come here, they are shut down quickly. We have had to Somalian problems recently but it is about over.
I just think citizens have to take a stand, support the police, and report things are going on around them. We aren't large but when gangs come here, they are shut down quickly. We have had to Somalian problems recently but it is about over.

The cops are not interested. The gangs are the law. I don't even think they have to pay the cops off anymore.
It's that far gone.
'If minorities in poorer areas changed their culture would shootings decrease?'

The same question could be asked of poor white neighborhoods. Of course this isn't a valid question because the background of the thought is a racist attitude that neglects reasonable consideration. Do poverty and drugs define culture, maybe, but guns define American culture and we have the most gun deaths in the civilized world. So the question should be how do we change our gun culture and how do we eliminate the constant shootings. Any check of statistics points in one direction, America's love of guns. Add poverty and drugs and you have a potent mix.

And there is no such thing as liberal government whatever that may be in the mind of the poster. Gun deaths occur everywhere. And a mayor would have to change the economic dynamic of poor areas and enhance police presence in trouble spots. That would cost money, taxes etc. And white flight ruined many inner cities, but oddly gentrification is bringing some back. Hard to say what happens next.
The same question could be asked of poor white neighborhoods. Of course this isn't a valid question because the background of the thought is a racist attitude that neglects reasonable consideration. Do poverty and drugs define culture, maybe, but guns define American culture and we have the most gun deaths in the civilized world. So the question should be how do we change our gun culture and how do we eliminate the constant shootings. Any check of statistics points in one direction, America's love of guns. Add poverty and drugs and you have a potent mix.

And there is no such thing as liberal government whatever that may be in the mind of the poster. Gun deaths occur everywhere. And a mayor would have to change the economic dynamic of poor areas and enhance police presence in trouble spots. That would cost money, taxes etc. And white flight ruined many inner cities, but oddly gentrification is bringing some back. Hard to say what happens next.

Please show us the controversies where police are always having questionable shootings in white neighborhoods. It is obvious you want to blame whitey and inanimate objects for people's actions including drugs. People that want a better life find it.