If Obama wins the House, Obama will try for a 3rd Term


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I would be willing to make a bet with Lib cohor Zappy, butt only what he already owes me, that if Obama, along with the Lib biased mainstream Press can somehow trick The AMERICAN People into voting for enough Demo Libs to regain control of the House and a 60 person majority of the Senate, then watch out for an historical political onslaught. Obama will somehow try to run for a third term, claiming that because this Country is in a State of Economic Emergency, and because the White Libs, Minorities, Gays, and the Feminazis support him, Congress should allow it to happen, and to just overlook the Constitutional term limits. We the normal AMERICAN People will have no say about anything, it will just happen. Why do you think that these radical Saul Alinsky influenced Socialist politicians are trying to disarm US, capicsia?
I would be willing to make a bet with Lib cohor Zappy, butt only what he already owes me, that if Obama, along with the Lib biased mainstream Press can somehow trick The AMERICAN People into voting for enough Demo Libs to regain control of the House and a 60 person majority of the Senate, then watch out for an historical political onslaught. Obama will somehow try to run for a third term, claiming that because this Country is in a State of Economic Emergency, and because the White Libs, Minorities, Gays, and the Feminazis support him, Congress should allow it to happen, and to just overlook the Constitutional term limits. We the normal AMERICAN People will have no say about anything, it will just happen. Why do you think that these radical Saul Alinsky influenced Socialist politicians are trying to disarm US, capicsia?
FDR got three terms, so why not Hussein?
I remember people posting that George W. was going to get a third term because we were at war and because of the economic disaster that needed a consistent hand on the helm.

Its all bullshit.
Only in his dreams. Half the country hates him and his nasty disposition and spiteful temperament will keep it that way.
I would be willing to make a bet with Lib cohor Zappy, butt only what he already owes me, that if Obama, along with the Lib biased mainstream Press can somehow trick The AMERICAN People into voting for enough Demo Libs to regain control of the House and a 60 person majority of the Senate, then watch out for an historical political onslaught. Obama will somehow try to run for a third term, claiming that because this Country is in a State of Economic Emergency, and because the White Libs, Minorities, Gays, and the Feminazis support him, Congress should allow it to happen, and to just overlook the Constitutional term limits. We the normal AMERICAN People will have no say about anything, it will just happen. Why do you think that these radical Saul Alinsky influenced Socialist politicians are trying to disarm US, capicsia?

Can anybody else get a bet on that?
I remember people posting that George W. was going to get a third term because we were at war and because of the economic disaster that needed a consistent hand on the helm.

Its all bullshit.

Using the term "consistent hand on the helm" with "George Bush" is an oxymoron.
Of the presidents who have been lucky enough to serve two terms, only the Roosevelts and Clinton had the desire to pursue a third term. The first two tried, and Clinton had the Constitution blocking him. Even still, Clinton had mostly overstayed his welcome.
I saw this the other day on (duh!) Drudge and made a personal bet with myself to see which crazy would post it first.


I lost.

I would, however, piss my pants in glee to see it happen just to see the nutcases implode!

The OP is from a guy who used to hang out on the AOL boards...SJJRSJJS.

He's a clown who doesn't warrant a rational response...he's a typical Rightie.

He once "joked" about how easy it would be to rape a woman he saw walking outside a bar.
I've hated the republicans longer than many here have been alive, but if they lose the house in 2014,,,,,, I'm surely screwed.

Big time!

I'll be no different than a Jew trying to get out of 1937 Germany, or a slave running to the North where I'm hated much, much more than where I ran from.

It want much matter if the great leader gets four more years.

Most all republican politicians suck!
I've hated the republicans longer than many here have been alive, but if they lose the house in 2014,,,,,, I'm surely screwed.

Big time!

I'll be no different than a Jew trying to get out of 1937 Germany, or a slave running to the North where I'm hated much, much more than where I ran from.

It want much matter if the great leader gets four more years.

Most all republican politicians suck!

Care to explain the line about the slave?
The OP is from a guy who used to hang out on the AOL boards...SJJRSJJS.

He's a clown who doesn't warrant a rational response...he's a typical Rightie.

He once "joked" about how easy it would be to rape a woman he saw walking outside a bar.
Why do you keep embellishing things, like what you attributed to me? What you just said is not what I said, so you are lying like a rug again, nothing new there, your cohors have trained you well, Zappy. You and your Lib cohors cannot tell the complete truth without changing something to promote your agendas, like trying to shut me down...NOT. Are you PO'ed because there will be no new gun laws passed, is that it Zappy? We WIN...you lose, so it is eating away at you, probably causing you to become constipated again or to regain all that obese weight? Is it that your fellow cohor Master conniver, "Georgi" Soros cannot help you, no mo? One day, you will see the light and confess to US just how wrong politically, you have been, that they pulled the wool over your eyes. Maybe, you need to watch that new mini-series, The Bible, and be sure and check out your boy, the Devil.