If only one cat is saved...


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... won't it all be worth it?


Black cat adoptions banned on Halloween

BOISE, Idaho - No black cat will cross your path this Halloween, not if a northern Idaho animal shelter can help it. Like many shelters around the country, the Kootenai Humane Society in Coeur d'Alene is prohibiting black cat adoptions from now to Nov. 2, fearing the animals could be mistreated in Halloween pranks — or worse, sacrificed in some satanic ritual.

The risk may be remote, said the shelter's executive director, Phil Morgan.

"It's kind of an urban legend. But in the humane industry it's pretty typical that shelters don't do adoptions of black cats or white bunnies because of the whole satanic sacrificial thing," Morgan said. "If we prevent one animal from getting hurt, then it serves its purpose."

Out of 97 cats at the shelter, 28 are black, Morgan said.

However, some animal experts say the practice does more to hurt animals than protect them.

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