If Snakes Had Fingers They Would Flip Us The Bird


Verified User


The top people in the FBI are snakes. Mueller is a snake. He has been a snake throughout his pubic career, yet William Barr calls him a friend. What does that tell you about Barr? It tells me that a big snake was called in to coverup for a basket full of fellow career snakes.

Either Donald Trump is a naive poor judge of character, or Barr is the best AG available among a bad litter. The entire Mueller investigation was designed to shield Hillary Clinton against a charge of treason. It works. The filthy old hag is untouchable. They will not even touch her for minor crimes:

William Barr knows all of Hillary’s crimes. Basically, his job is to see that she beats the rap without making the DoJ or the FBI look bad. His decades of experience in the government makes him the perfect attorney general for Hillary Clinton, but not for the America people.​


Here comes reality:

Attorney General William Barr reportedly disagrees with a finding by the forthcoming Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General (IG) report that the FBI had sufficient reason to monitor the Trump campaign in 2016.

Report: AG Barr Disagrees with IG on Whether Trump Surveillance Justified
by Joel B. Pollak
2 Dec 2019

Here comes reality:

Why was Obama-appointee Horowitz kept on when Trump could have fired him? My guess is that Trump trusted Horowitz. It remains to be seen if Trump’s trust was misplaced when Horowitz’s report is released, or will the reason be Trump’s well-known inability to judge the character of federal employees?

Basically, Trump still does not understood that federal employees are not the same kind of people he dealt with in the business world. The two groups are governed by different rules. Even Jeff Sessions turned on Trump after he became AG. Appointing Nikki Haley, and endorsing Mitt Romney for the Senate were monumental blunders.

In short: There are no rules for federal employees committed to their own personal agenda —— doubly so for Democrats when you add in a lack of HONOR.

Bottom line: Every federal employee considerates it essential for the public to believe that every federal employee are honorable civil servants serving the people and the country; ergo, there is no reason for one party to fire civil servants in the other party.
