IF the Republican convention gets bad tomatoes..


Villified User
perhaps we will finally get some laws requiring the traceability of our food supplies.

Dumbasses still do not know there the bad tomatoes came from. And that mess probably cost a hundred million $ hit to our economy. So it is not just safety but good money sense to be able to teack our food back to it's source.

Why have the republicans fought this tooth and nail ?
Grow your own tomatoes you complacent cockholes! The Earth is there for you to plant fucking tomatoes!!!

I have several hundred on my plants as we speak, as well as one magnificent cucumber, 8.5, 6 around, and studded.
perhaps we will finally get some laws requiring the traceability of our food supplies.

Dumbasses still do not know there the bad tomatoes came from. And that mess probably cost a hundred million $ hit to our economy. So it is not just safety but good money sense to be able to teack our food back to it's source.

Why have the republicans fought this tooth and nail ?

The last piece I read on this suggested that it might not be tomatoes at all, and that they're now looking at warehouses and transportation vehicles, among other things. Wonderful. So even the tomato warning may have been misdirected.

I don't know what I got that put me down the weekend before last, but it was similar to the symptoms of salmonella. The overt symptoms lasted only about 24 hrs. but it wiped me out for four days. I had heeded the warnings about the tomatoes. My husband, who always suffers 'way more than I do if we catch a cold or the flu (he really does, it's not just the male caricature!), had no symptoms. So I'm wondering what I ate that he didn't ...