If there is not enough affordable housing for everyone, homelessness is mandatory


Strange but true fact

Did you know that capitalism is responsible for the conditions it creates? Not the victims of those conditions, but capitalism itself. Who would have thought? Capitalists are like gulag guards who pretend that the prisoners are committing suicide.
No, affordable housing died when the government started regulating it. They made the cost of business too high and properties disappeared.
Government is never the solution, it is the problem.
Strange but true fact

Did you know that capitalism is responsible for the conditions it creates? Not the victims of those conditions, but capitalism itself. Who would have thought? Capitalists are like gulag guards who pretend that the prisoners are committing suicide.

This is the part where Capitalists say "BUT THAT WASN'T REAL CAPITALISM" while mocking Commies for saying the same thing when the Soviet Union is brought up.
Strange but true fact

Did you know that capitalism is responsible for the conditions it creates? Not the victims of those conditions, but capitalism itself. Who would have thought? Capitalists are like gulag guards who pretend that the prisoners are committing suicide.
I refuse to respond unless you take me off your “executed immediately” list and put me back in re-education camp where I belong.