If this catches on, no future Republicans


Villified User
Schools focus on anti-name-calling
Associated Press

RADCLIFF, Ky. - Loser. Stupid. Geek.

They're all words that name-callers use to hurt someone else.

But as a part of "National No Name-Calling Week," some schools are encouraging students to think differently the next time they're confronted with the temptation to use hurtful words.

Right... Mr. "rebutlikens-democraps"... Let's end all name-calling. Make it a national project.
Or the ones who made liberal into a bad word, tree hugger, Turbo lib, feminazi, etc...
Dims do it too, but the rebutlikens have made it into a science ;)
"Just to be clear.....

I'm not kidding"

So to be clear..... conservative Kentucky grade school KIDS have the ability to learn the lesson, but an "educated" liberal Jersey girl doesn't????

Actually Bush has done far more damage to the Republicans than the demoncrats ever could have.
He showed the people what the Neo aspect of the rebutlicans was really all about.
"Heh, heh, heh. Let's see you say that in 20 years when the shoe is back on the other foot. Which it will be, rest assured."

Dude... I said it was a joke.
"Just to be clear.....

I'm not kidding"

So to be clear..... conservative Kentucky grade school KIDS have the ability to learn the lesson, but an "educated" liberal Jersey girl doesn't????


Name calling is usually baseless and used to degrade. Bush's Monkey comparisons are valid. I can point to several pictures where he looks like a monkey and several speeches where one can conclude his intelligence is that of some monkey. I mean, I'm talking about about really smart monkeys though. Not your average monkey. The ones that can sign.
Name calling is usually baseless and used to degrade. Bush's Monkey comparisons are valid. I can point to several pictures where he looks like a monkey and several speeches where one can conclude his intelligence is that of some monkey. I mean, I'm talking about about really smart monkeys though. Not your average monkey. The ones that can sign.
ROTFLMAO, good one LadyT! :clink:

although I think he has some Ferengi blood in him...
One point I would like to make, It is quite a different thing to name call one who clearly deserves it and a different matter to paint everyone who might oppose you with a broad name calling brush.

ie calling Bush a chimp, vs saying all Republicans/Democrats are nazi's.