If true where was this money going ?


Villified User
Feb 8, 5:27 AM EST

Suit: Oral Roberts U Funneled $1B a Year

Associated Press Writer

TULSA, Okla. (AP) -- A former senior accountant at Oral Roberts University alleges that more than $1 billion annually was inappropriately funneled through the school.

Trent Huddleston claims in a lawsuit filed Thursday that he discovered an "unrestricted" account used to funnel "unusually large" sums of money through the university each month - which would exceed $1 billion on an annual basis - that wasn't used for any legitimate university purpose.

There is a financial scandal brewing in the republican party surrounding a fundraising accountant.

I wonder if they are connected.
I dunno, The younger Roberts was just siphoning off a very small fraction of that from what I can see.

It will be interesting to find out where the money trail ends though.