APP - If Trump really wanted to end the Flinn investigation


all he has to do is issue a pardon. He could do it right now if he wanted. Once the pardon is issued, the investigation stops.

I seem to remember liberals calling for Obama to pardon Hillary at some point and don't remember cries about obstruction then. Why wouldn't it be obstruction? Because the power to pardon by the President of the United States is absolute. You cannot obstruct justice if you are executing your powers under the US Constitution.

Additionally, I have been struck by this whole "independence of the FBI" meme. They aren't independent. They work for the DOJ who works for the Executive Branch. The FBI is not a coequal branch of government. The President of the United States can shut down ANY investigation he wants at any time he wants.

If it is considered shady, then it is the duty of Congress and the Judiciary as a co equal branches of government to hold him accountable