If trumpf were King for a day, who would he be most like??


Caligula, like Trump was/is a megalomaniac!

If trumpf were King for a day, who would he be most like??​

We would have to search history for gross incompetence to find a realistic analogy for Drumpf.

I began by thinking about tsar Nicholas II, who undoubtedly is remembered for gross ineptitude, and peerless lack of capability.

But then I realized there is a remarkable physical similarity between our fat ass president, and the morbidly rotund George IV.
"2. King Richard II was a victim of his circumstances according to Shakespeare, but in reality, he was an extremely vain and self-important man. He had no prowess in war tactics or administration, and only associated with people who parroted his views. His only notable actions were political maneuvering with his uncle and killing or exiling those he held a grudge against."
(source: http://www.viralnova.com/horrible-monarchs/ )