APP - If we still had President Obama the Deficit would be lower.


Diversity Makes Greatness
I really believe that.

I don't think he would have signed off on that tax cut for the rich bill.

PoliTalker anti-troll thread thief disclaimer: If this thread is stolen, plagiarized, will the thief have the nerve to use the entire OP, word for word? Including this disclaimer?
If you want my take on it, you'll have to post to this original PoliTalker thread. I refuse to be an enabler for online bullies, so I won't post to a stolen thread. I won't even read it. If you don't see me, PoliTalker, posting in this thread check the author. This might be a hijacked thread, not the original.

I also don't believe President Obama would have increased military spending, either.

President Obama was a fiscally responsible President.

President Obama actually reduced discretionary spending in order to help balance the budget and get us through the very difficult recovery from the Great Recession.

President Obama made recovering from the biggest economic downturn since the Great Depression look like a piece of cake!

Just think: If John McCain had been President, he might have taken the Republican road to austerity, cutting back on welfare and the safety net. That would have created no jobs, resulting in more people out of work, fewer paying taxes, less consumer spending, and a far longer recovery. (If it produced one at all.) W bailed out Wall Street with the TARP. Obama bailed out Main Street with the Stimulus.
The racist hate of the right will only see red when the attributes of Obama is discussed Poli. It's good that they're trying to ignore this part of the forum and don't come here to turn everything into a racist childish rant. Let them stew in their juices on the kids side What a contrast:

Trump: a white and evil psychopath and likely the worse president the US will ever have.

Obama: America's first black president and most likely seen by the rest of the world to be America's greatest ever.
You can believe it. But you would be wrong. We have had deficits since the origin of the country

We have a spending problem. Not a revenue problem

Too many people think the “rich” are their personal piggy banks. And they demand the gobblement steal it
Good to see a couple of lefties participate in APP. :thumbsup:
As to the OP, a democratic political system promotes deficit spending. Everyone wants their free shit.
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I really believe that.

I don't think he would have signed off on that tax cut for the rich bill.
Well duh. He's a dem. He wouldn't sign off an a tax cut for anybody. Dems believe in tax and spend. BTW, why do dims always refer to it as a 'tax cut for the rich' leaving out the rest which is '... and for everyone else'.
I also don't believe President Obama would have increased military spending, either.
Me neither.
President Obama was a fiscally responsible President.

Probably more responsible than your avg. republican president. Dims tend to be tax and spend, republicans tend toward cut taxes and spend.
But neither are responsible. They both want their free shit. It would take a dictator to get us on a fiscally responsible footing because it would be political suicide to so what it takes to actually accomplish it.
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You can believe it. But you would be wrong. We have had deficits since the origin of the country

We have a spending problem. Not a revenue problem

Too many people think the “rich” are their personal piggy banks. And they demand the gobblement steal it

I assume you are addressing me with those comments. They're a little too general for much of a rebuttal but suffice to say, the biggest problem in the US right now is the hugely escalated income inequality that has left the American people suffering a much reduced lifestyle than is enjoyed in other 'real' capitalist countries. Ask me which ones if you desire a civil discussion!
Good to see a couple of lefties participate in APP. :thumbsup:
As to the OP, a democratic political system promotes deficit spending. Everyone wants their free shit.

Can we drop the profanity right now? It's not necessary in order to express oneself and there's a danger of it escalating once you put the foot in the door. If it isn't stopped I will seek advice on clarification of the rulse from the moderator team.
Well duh. He's a dem. He wouldn't sign off an a tax cut for anybody. Dems believe in tax and spend. BTW, why do dims always refer to it as a 'tax cut for the rich' leaving out the rest which is '... and for everyone else'.
Me neither.
Probably more responsible than your avg. republican president. Dims tend to be tax and spend, republicans tend toward cut taxes and spend.
But neither are responsible. They both want their free shit. It would take a dictator to get us on a fiscally responsible footing because it would be political suicide to so what it takes to actually accomplish it.

Your intent is a little unclear. Did you mean 'sow' when you wrote 'so'?

And again I ask you to leave the profanity behind when you visit this section.

On topic, I would suggest that tax and spend is really more correctly termed 'spend and tax'. And there needs to be a polite and nuanced conversation taking place on why Trump has his priorites reversed as to his intent. He's alrady shown quite clearly that he intends to lower taxes on the 1% and not even consider a need to balance that move out by increasing taxation elsewhere. That will come naturally as the shortfall shows that the ordinary American has to bear the brunt of Trump's ignorance.
I really believe that.

I don't think he would have signed off on that tax cut for the rich bill.

PoliTalker anti-troll thread thief disclaimer: If this thread is stolen, plagiarized, will the thief have the nerve to use the entire OP, word for word? Including this disclaimer?
If you want my take on it, you'll have to post to this original PoliTalker thread. I refuse to be an enabler for online bullies, so I won't post to a stolen thread. I won't even read it. If you don't see me, PoliTalker, posting in this thread check the author. This might be a hijacked thread, not the original.

I also don't believe President Obama would have increased military spending, either.

President Obama was a fiscally responsible President.


I believe that you are incorrect in these statements entirely.
I believe that you are incorrect in these statements entirely.

I'm quite happy to have an opinion that's contrary to yours in every way. But I still respect your right to express your dogma on this section of the forum as long as you don't push the bad behaviour past the allowed limits.

Do you have ANY opinions you would like to debate here, where you are safe from the usual childish spamming?
I assume you are addressing me with those comments. They're a little too general for much of a rebuttal but suffice to say, the biggest problem in the US right now is the hugely escalated income inequality that has left the American people suffering a much reduced lifestyle than is enjoyed in other 'real' capitalist countries. Ask me which ones if you desire a civil discussion!

Faulty premise. I don’t argue against faulty premises
I'm quite happy to have an opinion that's contrary to yours in every way. But I still respect your right to express your dogma on this section of the forum as long as you don't push the bad behaviour past the allowed limits.

Do you have ANY opinions you would like to debate here, where you are safe from the usual childish spamming?

Wow. Two ad homs in one post. And such hypocrisy. :rofl2:
Wow. Two ad homs in one post. And such hypocrisy. :rofl2:

You can call it whatever you like. I don't like you or your posting habits and I'm not making any bones about it. And I fully understand that your main goal is to troll the members of this forum to get a rise out of them whenever they will willingly hook into your tactics. Otherwise, you 'will' be suitably decent on this section of the forum or you 'will' be reported for any infractions of the rules.

There's been too much effort put into this section to allow it to go all to hell now. Have a nice day.
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Hello anonymoose,

Well duh. He's a dem. He wouldn't sign off an a tax cut for anybody. Dems believe in tax and spend.

You know what? I have zero problem with tax and spend. Tax and spend is how our government is designed to function.

BTW, why do dims always refer to it as a 'tax cut for the rich' leaving out the rest which is '... and for everyone else'.

Because the largest cut went to the richest and most powerful. Which was especially bad because it was so irresponsible to do that at at time when we needed to increase revenue to reduce the deficit further. That's what responsible governments do during a good economy. You try to pay down the debt.

[Obama was] Probably more responsible than your avg. republican president. Dims tend to be tax and spend, republicans tend toward cut taxes and spend.
But neither are responsible. They both want their free shit. It would take a dictator to get us on a fiscally responsible footing because it would be political suicide to so what it takes to actually accomplish it.

The reason for that is the propaganda of the right that taxes are so bad. We all have to accept taxes rather than demonize them. There are plenty of things in life we wish we didn't have to deal with yet must accept. Republicans are just ridiculous when they think you can run a government by not paying enough taxes; and instead borrowing to pay the bills.
I really believe that.

I don't think he would have signed off on that tax cut for the rich bill.

PoliTalker anti-troll thread thief disclaimer: If this thread is stolen, plagiarized, will the thief have the nerve to use the entire OP, word for word? Including this disclaimer?
If you want my take on it, you'll have to post to this original PoliTalker thread. I refuse to be an enabler for online bullies, so I won't post to a stolen thread. I won't even read it. If you don't see me, PoliTalker, posting in this thread check the author. This might be a hijacked thread, not the original.

I also don't believe President Obama would have increased military spending, either.

President Obama was a fiscally responsible President.


What specific tax cuts are you talking about? A link would be nice.
You can call it whatever you like. I don't like you or your posting habits and I'm not making any bones about it. And I fully understand that your main goal is to troll the members of this forum to get a rise out of them whenever they will willingly hook into your tactics. Otherwise, you 'will' be suitably decent on this section of the forum or you 'will' be reported for any infractions of the rules.

There's been too much effort put into this section to allow it to go all to hell now. Have a nice day.

Double down on your insults. More hypocrisy. More debate points for me.

Can we drop the profanity right now? It's not necessary in order to express oneself and there's a danger of it escalating once you put the foot in the door. If it isn't stopped I will seek advice on clarification of the rulse from the moderator team.

I for one fully encourage you to contact the forum moderation team as often as you can about issues with APP. The more, the better.