If You Are Not Immunized From A Virus, You Were Never Vaccinated Period

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
This is what the CDC tried to hide by removing the definition of vaccine while replacing it with their rubbish on September 10th 2021. Of course major dictionaries are willing to lose their credibility by following suit with the shady globalist low life scum bag narrative by replacing definitions with complete globalist rubbish. Of course with Youtube, Twitter and Facebook being threatened with endless lawsuits to comply with the globalist narratives, what makes you even skeptical that smaller businesses would do the same?!

Calling something that isn't a vaccine, a vaccine because they remove the definition of vaccine and replace it with rubbish while politicians wheel and deal behind closed doors so that big pharma isn't held accountable for the damage they cause to human citizens of countries suffering covid, blood clots, heart problems, neural paralysis etc. from the jabs they administer is supporting a giant hate crime against humanity.

You are all being thrown under the bus with a slew of lies under guise of pandemic along with calling injections that are not vaccines a vaccine to try and dominate the masses with fake shame for not complying with such rubbish only so greedy, selfish and ignorant low life scum bags can get rich off of big pharma while they make the masses unhealthy and suffer their government putting your children further in debt over their sick and filthy jabs disguised as vaccines.

If we don't stop this and your children are survivors of this, who's slave do you think they are going to be?!! Not one person on this planet has been vaccinated from covid by big pharma! When they say unvaccinated, that means everyone as opposed to people not getting the jab that they lie about by calling their jab a vaccine.



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Galactically stupid and completely wrong. There is no distinction between 'immunization' and vaccination. None. That you think there is just proves how fucking stupid you truly are.

Dictionaries did not change the definition of vaccine. That is a bald faced lie. Why do you feel the need to lie to advance your agenda?
Do you believe that this fucking idiot suggested that Merriam Webster and the Oxford English Language Dictionary are in on some globalist plot to change the definition of vaccine? Seriously, how fucking stupid do you have to be to believe something like that. It has to be an act, right? Sadly, I don't think it is.
Galactically stupid and completely wrong. There is no distinction between 'immunization' and vaccination. None. That you think there is just proves how fucking stupid you truly are.

Dictionaries did not change the definition of vaccine. That is a bald faced lie. Why do you feel the need to lie to advance your agenda?

Sure there is like the CDC removing the genuine definition of vaccine to hide this fact while replacing the definition of vaccine with their rubbish Sept 10 2021. Just how far up big pharma ass is your face shoved I wonder. Perhaps you would be wise to wrench your head out of there to get some air every now and then so you don't come off as a completely ignorant retard time and time again.
Do you believe that this fucking idiot suggested that Merriam Webster and the Oxford English Language Dictionary are in on some globalist plot to change the definition of vaccine? Seriously, how fucking stupid do you have to be to believe something like that. It has to be an act, right? Sadly, I don't think it is.

Just like the main stream media, big tech as mentioned, as well as officials cowering and catering to shady globalist narratives. Oh no, none of them would ever conform under threat of endless lawsuits and slander eh Concart you dumb ignorant retard. Those dictionaries no longer have credibility thanks to such and thank you for being the one to point out that dictionaries too are corrupted by globalist scum.
Funny how Concart's feelings get all hurt when globalists and their shady narratives are easily bested. I wonder how many shares in big pharma Concart has ...

Just like the main stream media, big tech as mentioned, as well as officials cowering and catering to shady globalist narratives. Oh no, none of them would ever conform under threat of endless lawsuits and slander eh Concart you dumb ignorant retard. Those dictionaries no longer have credibility thanks to such and thank you for being the one to point out that dictionaries too are corrupted by globalist scum.

ROTFLMFAO!!! Dictionaries have no credibility. Dude, do you realize how FUCKING INSANE you sound. Probably not. But you are. Certifiable. Did the dictionary makers know four years in advance about their role in the globalist plot? Fuck, you are just batshit crazy. Complete loony tunes. Get help.

ROTFLMFAO!!! Dictionaries have no credibility. Dude, do you realize how FUCKING INSANE you sound. Probably not. But you are. Certifiable. Did the dictionary makers know four years in advance about their role in the globalist plot? Fuck, you are just batshit crazy. Complete loony tunes. Get help.





Deaths involving COVID-19 by vaccination status, England

Between 2 January and 24 September 2021, the age-adjusted risk of deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19) was 32 times greater in unvaccinated people than in fully vaccinated individuals. See Table 1.


(ONS is the UK Office of National Statistics.)

The vaccines (or non-vaccines?) used in the UK are Astrazeneca, Pfizer and Moderna. Whatever you call them, they appear to be doing something worthwhile, lol.
ROTFLMFAO!!! Dictionaries have no credibility. Dude, do you realize how FUCKING INSANE you sound. Probably not. But you are. Certifiable. Did the dictionary makers know four years in advance about their role in the globalist plot? Fuck, you are just batshit crazy. Complete loony tunes. Get help.

Not when they replace definition with globalist rubbish even if it was just before Fauci funding the Wuhan lab lead to what appears to be intentional human outbreaks. Just four years ago you claim is when they both suddenly decided to remove the definition and replace it with globalist rubbish, how convenient you seem to think. If you are not immunized from the virus, you are not vaccinated from the virus. So how many shares in big pharma does Oxford and Merriam Webster or their owners have I wonder and were the shares bought four years ago when they were tipped off to change their definitions ... just like you how many shares Concart?!! Some ignorant retard calling me batshit crazy certainly doesn't qualify me as batshit crazy especially when as you claim suddenly happened four years ago just before the virus was released. Where is your proof that this happened four years ago, right I do not see anything Concart. How is it so distinct that you specifically recall it being four years ago as opposed to a few months ago ... I am not convinced that it was four years ago however again seems awfully fishy even if so.





Smallpox vaccine is immunization ... exactly what a vaccine is, an immunization. Thanks for that I say to the real dimwit.
Deaths involving COVID-19 by vaccination status, England

Between 2 January and 24 September 2021, the age-adjusted risk of deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19) was 32 times greater in unvaccinated people than in fully vaccinated individuals. See Table 1.


(ONS is the UK Office of National Statistics.)

The vaccines (or non-vaccines?) used in the UK are Astrazeneca, Pfizer and Moderna. Whatever you call them, they appear to be doing something worthwhile, lol.

After giving people the jab people got corona but it was never categorized as a vaccinated contraction because they were specifically instructed not to count it as a so called vaccination transmitted virus until 14 days after being administered the jab so get your facts right because allot of people got the jab and the information was corrupted by this shady tactic.

Oh yeah give all kinds of people the virus with their snakey jabs then claim it's the unvaxxed getting the virus until 14 days after the jab.

Meanwhile not one person on the planet is vaccinated from corona through big pharma btw.
(Date on text photo inserted)

Somehow I missed that the date was cut off on the text photo, so I noticed and added the date that I created and released this text photo.

Not when they replace definition with globalist rubbish even if it was just before Fauci funding the Wuhan lab lead to what appears to be intentional human outbreaks. Just four years ago you claim is when they both suddenly decided to remove the definition and replace it with globalist rubbish, how convenient you seem to think. If you are not immunized from the virus, you are not vaccinated from the virus. So how many shares in big pharma does Oxford and Merriam Webster or their owners have I wonder and were the shares bought four years ago when they were tipped off to change their definitions ... just like you how many shares Concart?!! Some ignorant retard calling me batshit crazy certainly doesn't qualify me as batshit crazy especially when as you claim suddenly happened four years ago just before the virus was released. Where is your proof that this happened four years ago, right I do not see anything Concart. How is it so distinct that you specifically recall it being four years ago as opposed to a few months ago ... I am not convinced that it was four years ago however again seems awfully fishy even if so.

Nope. I never said they changed the dictionary four years ago, nimrod. I said the definition hasn't changed AT LEAST since then. I know this because I have the 2016 edition. I would bet the mortgage that the definition has been in place for decades. The idea that dictionaries are changing word definitions in service of some global world order is so fucking batshit crazy that it hardly deserves a response, but you are so full of yourself I can't help myself. I have to carve you up like a Thanksgiving turkey. It's really too easy. I should stop taking candy from babies.

EDIT: I just checked the 2004 edition. Same definition. STFU crazy dude.

Four years ago was 'just before the virus was released'?

ROTFLMFAO!!!! Good God, how fucking insane are you.
Nope. I never said they changed the dictionary four years ago, nimrod. I said the definition hasn't changed AT LEAST since then. I know this because I have the 2016 edition. I would bet the mortgage that the definition has been in place for decades. The idea that dictionaries are changing word definitions in service of some global world order is so fucking batshit crazy that it hardly deserves a response, but you are so full of yourself I can't help myself. I have to carve you up like a Thanksgiving turkey. It's really too easy. I should stop taking candy from babies.

EDIT: I just checked the 2004 edition. Same definition. STFU crazy dude.

Four years ago was 'just before the virus was released'?

ROTFLMFAO!!!! Good God, how fucking insane are you.

Oh really meanwhile what is really batshit crazy is that the mainstream media goes along with the globalist shady narrative, politicians turn backs on citizens to cater to the dictatorship of the globalist shady narrative, big tech caves to the globalist shady narrative yet to you this seems to equate to dictionaries never would. oh no they are immunized to the globalist shady narratives according to you living in your little batshit crazy bubble eh Concart. Here you are attempting to make false definitions in dictionaries out to make me look batshit crazy, very laughable that your feelings are so very hurt when it comes to facing fact on the foundation of this primary issue. Not immunized = never vaccinated.

and you did state "Did the dictionary makers know four years in advance about their role in the globalist plot" which looks like a claim that this happened 4 years before the CDC replaced the definition of vaccine with globalist rubbish.

How convenient western civs had open borders just before the outbreak too, looking very planned out and intentional to me. Who knows who is all in on it concart, only a complete imbecile would so eagerly rule such things out such as big pharma share holders.
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Say no to jab mandates, they do not have vaccines Legion.

No, they don't. But that's what they call them.

The popular online dictionary Merriam-Webster used to define "vaccine" as "a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease."

Their revised definition of "vaccine" (as of May, 2021) now reads, "a preparation that is administered – as by injection – to stimulate the body's immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease."

Spot the difference?

Merriam-Webster's editors changed "artificially increase immunity" to "stimulate the body’s immune response" because they "believed it would be more helpful to readers", according to Peter Sokolowski, editor-at-large.

Or so they said.
