If you could forget a day

The day the idiots voted to cut off their noses to spite their stupid faces and support Brexit without a notion what it might mean. Pity when the yobs are allowed to destroy a proud country!
you mean only one? :laugh:

Okay, two or three or four...

Looking down the curved downhill street and deciding it would be a great idea to tell my friends I'm going to skateboard this. Nu huh, the idiots said.

Ha ha, losers, I only ended up with like half my body peeled onto the pavement. Pussies!
Was at a lake, asked these two girls in bikinis to show me their boobies. They said fuck off and it bothered my younger (2 years) cousin so much he ratted me out.

His Dad had a paddle board with effing holes in it to make it more efficient he said. 3 smacks for wanting to see boobies.

I'd take 6 to actually see them... Lol
too easy - the day my little brother died

IMO, that isn't easy. I drove every weekend my brother was dying in a hospital to see him. 2 months. I knew and was told the last weekend when I held his hand and he could only communicate by a hand squeeze... Fuck death
For me it would be the day my mother died. She died as the result of a strange accident that still doesn't make sense to me. I had seen her just three days prior to her death and she was looking better after having some serious health issues. I was in a fog and felt numb for a couple weeks after her death.
For me it would be the day my mother died. She died as the result of a strange accident that still doesn't make sense to me. I had seen her just three days prior to her death and she was looking better after having some serious health issues. I was in a fog and felt numb for a couple weeks after her death.

Wow, I can't even comprehend that. I'm fortunate to have my mom and can't imagine life without her.
OMG Mott. You actually witnessed it? What happened?

Was driving by where they were building a new galvanizing mill. A crane was picking up and lowering a big electrical box when the crane operator lost control of the load, the boom swung wildly wide and the box fell on two electricians.

One was killed out right as he was caught flush and crushed like a bug. The other guy was pinned from the hips down. He was rescued and had his legs amputated at the hips but died a few days later.
Was driving by where they were building a new galvanizing mill. A crane was picking up and lowering a big electrical box when the crane operator lost control of the load, the boom swung wildly wide and the box fell on two electricians.

One was killed out right as he was caught flush and crushed like a bug. The other guy was pinned from the hips down. He was rescued and had his legs amputated at the hips but died a few days later.

Gods. How do you ever get a thing like that out of your mind? I saw a teenager get hit by a train once. He tried to beat it across the tracks and didn't make it. Wrapped his car right around the front of the first locomotive. Horrible.