Mott the Hoople
Sweet Jane
....any movie over and over and over again.....what would it be?
Dang....that was going to be my answer too. Yup.....Groundhog day! I watched it three times on Groundhog day.Groundhog Day. I watched it over and over again on Groundhog Day which added a unique layer of redundancy and irony to the film.
The Original Star Wars Trilogy
Star Trek Movies
St Elmo's Fire
Love Actually
Those are the movies I've watched most, there are probably more though that I will think of later.
Casablanca is one of my all-time favorites. I think that and The African Queen could be added to my list easily.
Love Actually is another very good movie. I've seen it a few times, and even used a clip to make a point to someone.
Gosford Park
American History X
The Lincoln Lawyer
Shutter Island
Why Frenzy, out of all the Hitchcock films?