If you HAD to choose

Which would you choose?

  • Pacific Coast leftwing Ecotopia

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • Deep South rightwing Theocracy

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Will work for Scooby snacks
Imagine the pacific west coast succeeded from the Union, and had a permanent government run by the leftists like the Green Party and extremely liberal Democrats (think: Kucinich). The country was run like an american version of a Sweden.

Also, imagine the Deep South succeeded, and had a permanent goverment comprised of rightwing, southern republicans, and religious social conservatives. Government was run in accordance with southern republican and social conservative values

If someone put a gun to your head, and forced you to choose to live in one of these "countries", which would you choose? Pacific coast Ecotopia? Or Deep South theocracy?
Excellent! You'd move to a state run by Democrats (New Hampshire), rather than a state run by southern republicans.

We'll make a Dem out of you yet!
No, "Live Free or Die". There was no option to live in New Hampshire. It was a guy with a gun attempting to get me to move to PC Dogma run or Bible Dogma run governments. I'd choose the gun.

I chose to stay in Nevada..and watch the rest of y'all destroy each other..behind the confines of my fortress mind ya!:tongout:
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No, "Live Free or Die". There was no option to live in New Hampshire. It was a guy with a gun attempting to get me to move to PC Dogma run or Bible Dogma run governments. I'd choose the gun.

You're the dude who says he'd love to live in liberal New Zealand.

A liberal, seuclar Sweden-style country, which was one of the choices presented, is not that all that far off from a liberal, Secular New Zealand.

So, I'll chalk you up for choosing to live in the leftwing country ;)
Depends if the South didn't change that much from how it is now I'd live there. It's still America at least. Now if you mean it becomes a Christain version of Iran that's another story.
You're the dude who says he'd love to live in liberal New Zealand.

A liberal, seuclar Sweden-style country, which was one of the choices presented, is not that all that far off from a liberal, Secular New Zealand.

So, I'll chalk you up for choosing to live in the leftwing country ;)
You said the SuperGreens would be running it. I'd rather not be a criminal if I didn't recycle a plate. You said the SuperChristians would be running the other side. I'd rather not have my child forced to pray in school.

Both are repugnant to me. They don't force you to pray in NZ. They also don't have overly excited laws to enforce your action in your house. If you want me to be Green make it not suck. Like the Tesla. I will buy one of those if I have the extra cash to spend.

Anyway, your options were equal suck on both sides.

And I never said I wanted to Immigrate there, I said I'd like to live there for a while. Much like the UK. I liked the place but the politics would get to me after a while and I'd need to come home.