If you want to crush CNN and MSNBC do this

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
It is clear that these stations are nothing more than the propaganda arm of the democrat party. In fact,it might even be argued that they direct the democrat party instead of the other way around.

I quite frequently see people posting about their ratings, but the reality is that for these cable channels, traditional ratings don’t matter. It isn’t how they make their money.

Very few know that they make their money via carriage fees. This means that CNN and MSNBC (and all other channels) make money from every cable/satellite subscriber in the country. So even if you don’t watch them, your money still finds it’s way into their coffers

CNNs carriage fee is $.90/subscriber. So even though they only have 1 million viewers they get paid by 90 million cable subscribers.

So if you really want to stick it to CNN and MSNBC then you should cut the cord. End your cable and satellite subscription

I did it years ago and haven’t looked back. Replaced satellite dish with over the air antenna. I have Netflix and Hulu. And if you are industrious there are other means to see TV shows and movies, but this is not the place to discuss them.

End CNN and MSNBC. Cut the cord