APP - If you want to know what treason/sedition looks like, this is it


Former Vice President

This is really stunning. I have to admit, I used to scoff at the whole "military industrial complex" thing, but man have my eyes been opened since 2000.

Trump is the biggest threat to the military industrial complex there ever was. Obama talked a big game, but liked to start useless wars.

Trump has not started one war while in office. He has negotiated peace treaties with Israel and its neighbors

Apparently this has run afoul of the globalists and he must be stopped at all costs. I could see them trying to assassinate him if he wins in November
Trump is the biggest threat to the military industrial complex there ever was ... I could see them trying to assassinate him if he wins in November

Military spending as a proportion of GDP hit a high of around 5% in 2008-2009. In 2010-2017 it fell sharply to 3.5%. Since then it has been rising again.

If the military-industrial complex thought assassination was a good policy, they should have hit Obama in 2010.
Military spending as a proportion of GDP hit a high of around 5% in 2008-2009. In 2010-2017 it fell sharply to 3.5%. Since then it has been rising again.

If the military-industrial complex thought assassination was a good policy, they should have hit Obama in 2010.

Its about more than dollars. Unrest in the world serves a purpose that they value highly.
The non-military industrial complex values strength without unrest because, its good for business.
This cuts to the core of what "the establishment" is and the establishment hates Trump for being the first impediment they ever faced.
Military spending as a proportion of GDP hit a high of around 5% in 2008-2009. In 2010-2017 it fell sharply to 3.5%. Since then it has been rising again.

If the military-industrial complex thought assassination was a good policy, they should have hit Obama in 2010.

You are such a simplistic and shallow thinker

Who was more likely to take us into unnecessary conflicts? Obama or Trump?

From an unnecessary war standpoint, marxists should love Trump. But you marxists aren't really anti war, you just want to be the ones starting them
From an unnecessary war standpoint, marxists should love Trump. But you marxists aren't really anti war, you just want to be the ones starting them

I'm not a Marxist, "Hiden", not by a helluva long way.

Agreed, the letter cited in the OP is not about military spending, which fell in real terms by one third under Obama. It's about what to do if Trump is soundly beaten in November and tries to stay in the White House. That may be a possibility for the first time in US history, because Trump knows nothing and cares less about the American way.

No doubt your view is different. But IF that happens, what do you think should be done?
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I'm not a Marxist, "Hiden", not by a helluva long way.

Agreed, the letter cited in the OP is not about military spending, which fell in real terms by one third under Obama. It's about what to do if Trump is soundly beaten in November and tries to stay in the White House. That may be a possibility for the first time in US history, because Trump knows nothing and cares less about the American way.

No doubt your view is different. But IF that happens, what do you think should be done?

I think it is a pointless hypothetical entertained only by silly people
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Trump has not started one war while in office. He has negotiated peace treaties with Israel and its neighbors

Apparently this has run afoul of the globalists and he must be stopped at all costs. I could see them trying to assassinate him if he wins in November

I believe this is something that all leftists would support.