If you want watermark to die please post in this thread


on indefiniate mod break
Recently watermark's schtick has grown to epic proportions. All he does these days is talk about killing conservatives etc.

The reason for this is twofold:

1) He's a retarded spaz
2) He's merging his range of opinions.

You see, by being tongue in cheek 100% of the time, he has the ability to say anything he wants, no matter how controversial, even if true, because he knows that with his track record of being over the top, if he ever catches serious heat for any of his true beliefs, he can always go

"lol idiots geez i wasn't THAT serious, don't you notice how I am always over the top and tongue in cheek?"

This is a strategy invented by ME and of course everyone tries to copy me because I am that great.

Therefore, because he is annoying, and for the fact that he copies me, watermark should be put to death.

Thank you.
Recently watermark's schtick has grown to epic proportions. All he does these days is talk about killing conservatives etc.

The reason for this is twofold:

1) He's a retarded spaz
2) He's merging his range of opinions.

You see, by being tongue in cheek 100% of the time, he has the ability to say anything he wants, no matter how controversial, even if true, because he knows that with his track record of being over the top, if he ever catches serious heat for any of his true beliefs, he can always go

"lol idiots geez i wasn't THAT serious, don't you notice how I am always over the top and tongue in cheek?"

This is a strategy invented by ME and of course everyone tries to copy me because I am that great.

Therefore, because he is annoying, and for the fact that he copies me, watermark should be put to death.

Thank you.

Die WM! Please. Thank you.
I agree! Kill the fucker!
