Iggy Pop sells car insurance

Isn't that the truth, we were the generation that was going to change the world, we did, but not in the way we thought we would, unfortunately.
I take it he used to be somebody?.....surprised I don't remember him....he looks old enough to be in my generation...
Let's put it like this Pmp.....if you don't know who Iggy Pop is and what he did in the 70's then you're probably a country music fan. Iggy was always more of a performing artist then a recording artist. I saw in in 77 and it was on hell of a show....the man was nuts! LOL
Here's a great Iggy video...as you can tell...Iggy has some issues...but he could put on a rock show!! How he coud go like that for 2 hours....good lord.

Let's put it like this Pmp.....if you don't know who Iggy Pop is and what he did in the 70's then you're probably a country music fan. Iggy was always more of a performing artist then a recording artist. I saw in in 77 and it was on hell of a show....the man was nuts! LOL

Either that or he has been living in a cave for the last 40 years, which would explain a lot.
actually, I was more a Jethro Tull, Yes, King Crimson fan....I watched the video above and can see why I wouldn't have paid attention twice.....
Here ya go man....this video does an excellent job of capturing the energy of one of Iggy's shows. Here he is playing an old standard as only Iggy can!

All good bands, so when did it all go wrong?


actually, I discovered something interesting last summer......my son, 24, moved home from school and I overheard him listening to his music....I started singing along and he gives me a strange look....a lot of the 70s rock music is going retro, he couldn't believe his favorite music was his dad's music......
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