Ignorance is not always bliss

Lord Yurt

Lord Yurt will suffice
I have the day off, because I said so. So I'm swimming in the pool and my dog drops her ball (orange floaty thingy) down the embankment and starts whining.

I tell her to ssshh, and yeah, that didn't work. So I get out and see the ball fell about 2 feet down. I have no idea what shrubbery this is on the embankment, but assumed it was rough.

Yurt out idiot himself because Yurt decides to get the ball without using a tool and slides about 8 feet down the embankment because the farking shrubbery is farking slippery.

Yurt for the win! :palm:
I have the day off, because I said so. So I'm swimming in the pool and my dog drops her ball (orange floaty thingy) down the embankment and starts whining.

I tell her to ssshh, and yeah, that didn't work. So I get out and see the ball fell about 2 feet down. I have no idea what shrubbery this is on the embankment, but assumed it was rough.

Yurt out idiot himself because Yurt decides to get the ball without using a tool and slides about 8 feet down the embankment because the farking shrubbery is farking slippery.

Yurt for the win! :palm:

Yurt loves his dog :loveu::loveu:
She is a huge joy in my life.

I went through a rough patch awhile ago and she helped me through. Dogs are the best people.
I have the day off, because I said so. So I'm swimming in the pool and my dog drops her ball (orange floaty thingy) down the embankment and starts whining.

I tell her to ssshh, and yeah, that didn't work. So I get out and see the ball fell about 2 feet down. I have no idea what shrubbery this is on the embankment, but assumed it was rough.

Yurt out idiot himself because Yurt decides to get the ball without using a tool and slides about 8 feet down the embankment because the farking shrubbery is farking slippery.

Yurt for the win! :palm:

To bad you don't have a clip of it....