APP - Ignore any poll that isn't a likely voter poll

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
We have been inundated with public opinion polls here of late portending a landslide victory for Hiden Biden. JPP leftists have been breathlessly posting them day in and day out.

Every single poll has a few commonalities

1) They all are either registered voter or adult samples. Both are known to skew democrat. Why is this important? Well considering only 58% of registered voters even went to vote in 2016, sampling that group may not be representative of the true electorate. Polling adults is even worse

2) Every poll over samples democrats. Even Rasmussen is over sampling democrats by 4%. Some of the more egregious ones have oversampled by 10%. Some have oversampled Biden supporters over Trump supporters.

The only poll worth considering is one that samples likely voters. All others are garbage.

The pollsters know this. The media knows this. As we get closer to the election, you will see more likely voter models and the polls will magically tighten.

This is the same garbage they pulled in 2016. So would they do it again? They are trying to dispirit Trump voters. They know that there is an enthusiasm gap between Trump and Biden voters. That is why they are pushing mail in voting.