ILA Challenged me to a debate about Saddam not having WMD. Already won against Dixie

Check out these threads where Dixie tried to vindicate W on WMD.

Dixie was more intelligent and a better debater than ILA ever was.

I still owned Dixie on this issue.

What Did Happen To Saddam’s WMD?
Saddam Hussein certainly had chemical weapons during the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-88, yet by the time American and British troops entered the country in 2003 they were gone. Where?
Richard Sanders | Published 12 July 2016’s-wmd

This article explains what happened. Pretty good read.
Buried in the sand for 20 years and degraded to non-WMD status. That is what happened. Read all about it in the thread above.
Fuck this thread.

Just humor Jarod. This is just his way of lashing out because of all the times I kicked his ass in APP. He knows he can’t debate me 1:1 without going wildly off topic and he can’t admit it so he does this

I enjoyed watching the venerable Grind eviscerate him in this thread