APP - ILA vs Dutch Uncle - Who would be your perfect candidate?


Former Vice President
Dear Dutch

When you aren't feverishly scouting out sock accounts, you spend a great deal of time bashing Trump and Trump supporters, yet you claim to be "right leaning" libertarian. So since you despise Trump and apparently aren't going to vote for him, tell us who your candidate is? Who out there embodies all that your admire and appeals to your political principles that you tell us about daily? Who out there is 100% in alignment with all that you believe? Share with us a name

Who is that person? We all would like to know.

It is one thing f to say you hate Trump and won't support him and tell us what you oppose. It is quite another to tell us what you support and put it out there for all to see.
Loaded questions are not a debate, they are an attack. Yes, I think Trump is unfit to be President and would prefer Pence, whom I've posted several times I would vote for. I've also posted several times who I am voting for so anyone who is interested can look it up. Unfortunately, none of the candidates fill what you asked: "embodies all that your admire and appeals to your political principles that you tell us about daily?" None I have found fill even 75%, and that's being generous, much less 100%.

People who claim to speak for others by using the royal "we" are either Royalty or have mental issue...usually narcissism or delusions of grandeur in thinking they are more valuable than they are. As such, I consider such people to be dishonest and not worth much of my time. Honest people, of course, are highly respected by myself even if I continually disagree with them. The Scalia-Ginsburg friendship is an example of two polar opposite but honest people who can talk honestly with each other.
Loaded questions are not a debate, they are an attack. Yes, I think Trump is unfit to be President and would prefer Pence, whom I've posted several times I would vote for. I've also posted several times who I am voting for so anyone who is interested can look it up. Unfortunately, none of the candidates fill what you asked: "embodies all that your admire and appeals to your political principles that you tell us about daily?" None I have found fill even 75%, and that's being generous, much less 100%.

People who claim to speak for others by using the royal "we" are either Royalty or have mental issue...usually narcissism or delusions of grandeur in thinking they are more valuable than they are. As such, I consider such people to be dishonest and not worth much of my time. Honest people, of course, are highly respected by myself even if I continually disagree with them. The Scalia-Ginsburg friendship is an example of two polar opposite but honest people who can talk honestly with each other.

I am surprised you didn’t bring up the Reagan-Tipper relationship everyone bandies about

So what is it about Pence you like?