APP - ILA vs Jarod - Man Made Global Warming


Dear Jarod

You are obviously a proponent of the notion that man is responsible for any temperature variations that the erf goes through.

This article from The Guardian states that we have five years before the effects of global warming are IRREVERSIBLE. Meaning there is no turning back. It is too late. There is nothing we can do

The striking thing is that this article was written in 2011 and it is now 2017. We have crossed the point of no return.

Here is an article from 2009 stating that it is IRREVERSIBLE

Now I have heard that the results of man made global warming will be catastrophic if we don't do something. One of the most often cited cataclysmic events we are told we will see are an increase in hurricanes and rising sea levels.

So my question to you dear friend is this. If you believe this science as ardently as you claim. If you really think that hurricanes are going to be worse and that seas are going to rise, then why have you chosen to live so close to the ocean? Why would you voluntarily put your family in harms way? Isn't that irresponsible?
1) I don't believe that "man is responsible for any temperature variations that the erf (sic) goes through." We have natural temperature variations and we have man made variations.
2) I do believe that we will and are already seeing a warming that is likely in part due to human activity, and that can be slowed or limited by a change in that activity.
3) I have looked at the maps that indicate even a 6 inch rise in sea level, (a worse case scenario) my home and the street in front of it leading to higher ground will be fine.
4) My house is very strong and unlikely to sustain damage during a hurricane, but I do carry insurance in case it does.
5) I do not believe that we will likely see significant effects for 20 or more years, I do not plan to be in the same home.
6) There are dangers anywhere you chose to live.

You make assumptions and present them as if they are fact. Its does not lead to a healthy or fruitful debate, it is not a strong tactic.
I am not abandoning the discussion, but I am preparing for a trip abroad tomorrow, so I might not be around as much as normally.
1) I don't believe that "man is responsible for any temperature variations that the erf (sic) goes through." We have natural temperature variations and we have man made variations.
2) I do believe that we will and are already seeing a warming that is likely in part due to human activity, and that can be slowed or limited by a change in that activity.
3) I have looked at the maps that indicate even a 6 inch rise in sea level, (a worse case scenario) my home and the street in front of it leading to higher ground will be fine.
4) My house is very strong and unlikely to sustain damage during a hurricane, but I do carry insurance in case it does.
5) I do not believe that we will likely see significant effects for 20 or more years, I do not plan to be in the same home.
6) There are dangers anywhere you chose to live.

You make assumptions and present them as if they are fact. Its does not lead to a healthy or fruitful debate, it is not a strong tactic.

With all due respect, you sound like a climate denier. The prevailing wisdom from the climate alarmists is that all of the temperature variation is due to man, not just a part of it, but all of it
With all due respect, you sound like a climate denier. The prevailing wisdom from the climate alarmists is that all of the temperature variation is due to man, not just a part of it, but all of it

Not from what I've read.