APP - ILA vs Legion Troll - Abortion


Dear Legion Troll,

I would like to debate you on the topic of abortion. I am a firm believer that abortion is murder of an unborn baby. I further contend that those that argue in favor of this murder twist themselves in knots in order to defend what I consider barbarism.

Now, there is a thread that wants to know if people that think that abortion is murder advocate punishing a woman for having one. I say of course you should. If she murders her baby after it exits the birth canal, is she not guilty of murder? Does the fact that the baby is no longer connected to an umbilical cord mean it is finally conferred rights?

I would also like you to address the converse of that argument. If you believe that abortion is NOT murder and is nothing more than having a mole removed, then shouldn't it also follow that you oppose ANY restrictions on abortion? That you should believe that a woman should be able to have an abortion literally up to the day she gives birth?

And if that is the case, does the mere act of giving birth now turn it from a fetus to a baby? It is argued that a woman has the right to an abortion because the baby is dependent on the mother during gestation. But, is an newborn any less dependent on its mother for survival than when in the womb?