APP - ILA vs Legion Troll - Setting policy based on fear


Dear Legion Troll,

I would like to debate you on this topic right here in the open in APP.

You have stated that you think that setting policies based on fear when it comes to muslim immigration is wrong. Why? Why shouldn't Americans look at what is happening in Europe as a result of unchecked immigration from muslim countries? What is necessarily wrong with being afraid?

People are afraid of leaving their families penniless if they die suddenly, so they buy insurance
People are afraid of their homes being robbed so they lock the doors and install alarm systems
People are afraid of man made global warming and try to set policy to try to mitigate it
People are afraid of financial crises and so we get landed with Dodd/Frank

I could go on and on. But, what is wrong with being afraid? Fear is a natural instinct that has served mankind for many thousands of years. Now I agree that some fears seem irrational, but how is the worry about muslim attacks on this country irrational?

First you have the two World Trade Center attacks. You have the Boston attack. You have Fort Hood. You have San Bernardino. You also look across the pond to our good friends in Europe and you see an increasing problem with muslim immigration and the increased number of attacks.

Now it is often stated as a defense of muslims that "not ALL of them are terrorists". Well, nobody is really arguing that they are. However, as is noted there are approximately 1.6 billion muslims in the world. If the following percentages have committed their lives to violent jihad then we end up with the following rough numbers

10% = 160 million
5% = 80 million
1% = 16 million

Now, let's also consider that even though there isn't a high percentage of muslims that would commit these acts, I believe it is safe to argue that another percentage are OK with the attacks even if they wouldn't have the courage to do them. I think that number is relatively higher. Let's say double what we have above

20% = 320 million
10% = 160 million
1% = 32 million

So now all of a sudden you have between 48 and 480 million muslims that are either committed to waging violent attacks or are OK with it. Those are staggering numbers even if it is on the low end.

So tell us all why people are wrong to worry about unchecked muslim immigration to this country?