APP - ILA vs Leonthecat/Buck Ewer - Affirmative Action



You both seem very attuned to race issues and it would appear that you have a goal of ferreting out racism wherever you think you find it. You spend a lot of time asking folks whether they think they are genetically superior to blacks. I can only presume that it is your guidepost for declaring one a racist.

With that being said, I would like to debate the issue of affirmative action. My question to you is do you support affirmative action? If so, then why? And please go a little deeper than "America is racist".

Here is why I oppose affirmative action. I believe that having a program like that actually perpetuates the idea that blacks are genetically inferior to white people. Let's assume that your assumption that America is racist for a second. Even if it is, you seem to be saying that blacks don't posses certain attributes that allow them to overcome that racism? How is that not racist?

I believe that blacks have the ability to overcome obstacles in their way just as other races do, therefore I treat them equally.

what say you?