APP - ILA vs Rune: Minimum Wage


OK Rune. You stated that a minimum wage of $19 would cause jobs to be lost but you believe that $9 would not. Let's debate. I say minimum wage period will cause jobs of low skilled workers to be lost.

You begin.
Surely you can explain your position better than that can't you? I thought you liberals were all about debating. Come on. You have to do better than you're wrong.

Why will $19/hour minimum cause lost jobs? Lets start there

Why would raising to $9 cost jobs?
Why would raising to $9 cost jobs?

Because you are raising wages without commensurate increase in productivity. A worker is paid based on the value they bring to the organization, otherwise there is no organization.

As the article below points out, in 2009 the minimum wage was increased and six months later almost 600,000 teenage jobs disappeared.

According to you, $9/hour is good, but $19/hour is not. You will need to clarify. Because by taking a stand that raising the minimum wage to an arbitrary level like $19/hour you are conceding that it costs jobs, it is just a matter of degree.

Your turn
As the article below points out, in 2009 the minimum wage was increased and six months later almost 600,000 teenage jobs disappeared.

3.6 million jobs disappeared in '09.

Raising the minimum wage was not the reason, the primary reason was the global financial crisis precipitated by the bank failures in mid-late '08.
Raising the minimum wage is why teenage unemployment is so high. They are being priced out of the labor market.

Now explain why you think $19/hour would be bad but $9/hour is good.


Umm, that would be a no. With an official unemployment rate of over 7%, the actual rate is well over 14% or 1 in seven looking for work. With many who have full time jobs also working part time jobs to survive, the work left available for teens is miniscule. Teen under-employment has NOTHING to do with the minimum wage. Prove otherwise before we can move on.
Umm, that would be a no. With an official unemployment rate of over 7%, the actual rate is well over 14% or 1 in seven looking for work. With many who have full time jobs also working part time jobs to survive, the work left available for teens is miniscule. Teen under-employment has NOTHING to do with the minimum wage. Prove otherwise before we can move on.

His is not a one way street. Why would $19/hour be bad yet $9/hour is good? They are both arbitrary numbers. Explain that. Then we can move on. I am asking you to defend your argument and you keep dodging. If you can't, then just admit it
His is not a one way street. Why would $19/hour be bad yet $9/hour is good? They are both arbitrary numbers. Explain that. Then we can move on. I am asking you to defend your argument and you keep dodging. If you can't, then just admit it

You don't understand the difference between a 20% increase and a 270% increase, and I am supposed to explain it to you?
Nothing arbitrary about it. $9 is just barely over the poverty rate.
Why do you want to pay a full time worker less than poverty?

Of course it is arbitrary. Why do you only want to keep them barely above poverty?

Why not solve it once and for all?

Why not make minimum wage $19/hour. If you are going to mandate wages then don't screw around.

You said $19/hour would cost people jobs. Why will it?
Report me. You are not responding to my answers.

I have responded. You apparently don't understand how this works. You don't just get to keep asking questions after I answer. At some point, don't you think you should defend your underlying point which is that $9/hour minimum wage is good yet $19/hour would be bad.

My guess is that you are diverting because you know that I am right. But, feel free to prove me wrong and don't hide behind childish diversionary tactics
I have responded. You apparently don't understand how this works. You don't just get to keep asking questions after I answer. At some point, don't you think you should defend your underlying point which is that $9/hour minimum wage is good yet $19/hour would be bad.

My guess is that you are diverting because you know that I am right. But, feel free to prove me wrong and don't hide behind childish diversionary tactics

20% increase vs. 270% increase. One can be absorbed, one can't. Any business that can't absorb a $40 a week increase will not last long anyway. To expect said business to absorb a $480 weekly increase for one employee is absurd. This is the second time I answered this.
20% increase vs. 270% increase. One can be absorbed, one can't. Any business that can't absorb a $40 a week increase will not last long anyway. To expect said business to absorb a $480 weekly increase for one employee is absurd. This is the second time I answered this.

So you arbitrarily think that every business can absorb a 20% increase in cost in today's economy with a corresponding increase in productivity?

Why not 30%? 40%?
So you arbitrarily think that every business can absorb a 20% increase in cost in today's economy with a corresponding increase in productivity?

Why not 30%? 40%?

Not what I said. They are asking for a 20% increase in the cost of a minimum wage worker's salary, not an across the board increase of cost to business.