I'll give the newbie a chance...

Whatcha talkin bout ?
Look at the "newest member" and you will see what I am talking about. I am almost 100% sure that we will see some sort of, "I found this great site" links coming up as soon as they validate their account.
.org ?
Not sure how to find the newest member.
Never checked that out before, heck never even pulled up the member list before.
Just go to the index page and scroll down near the bottom. When you see the site statistics you will see one that has "Newest Member".
I see it now thanks, why the pipe you think ? Spambot methods or some security issue ?
I know how the web works and use Unix but am not a hot shot at it.
Almost nobody uses a pipe, therefore you'd be unlikely to run into a previously used Username when registering if you use such a symbol.
Oh, Darn and I did not think of it first .
Yep looks like sort of spam seed sowing.
Or maybe Fatherland security ?
To think it's anything but another lousy spammer is, alas, just a pipe-dream.

(Damn thing won't accept a pipe char. Anybody happen to know the entity code for that?)
Actually I simply went in and made it so that it rejects that character. Rather than attempting to ban each one as they came...

So, even if you know the character code, you just won't get it...

what the hell is a "pipe" ? (i mean, I only know of one kind)
...and why the hell is it, every time I go away for a couple of days, some troll shows up here? WTF? I swear, every time... it's like someone is trying to frame me, or make it look like I am posing as a troll. Beefy? Rob? SR? Who the hell is messing with my head that way?

I always come back to... yeah, we know that was you Dixie! Isn't it funny how they appeared when Dixie left and vanished when he returned? Yeah, must've been Dixie all along! Yuck yuck yuck.

For the record, I don't troll, I have too much fun and enjoyment, and take too much pride in owning pinheads as 'Dixie, redneck from Alabama'! The closest I've ever come to trolling, is doing parody bits, like Michael Jackson, but that is done in character and intentionally funny, and is not really considered 'trolling' in my book.

It just seems odd to me, and perhaps I just notice it more than others because it always seems to happen to me. Not that it bothers me, I am quite flattered that someone is so obsessed with me, they would seek to set me up like that, or try to pull something cute. Especially on Valentine's Day! ;)
what the hell is a "pipe" ? (i mean, I only know of one kind)
...and why the hell is it, every time I go away for a couple of days, some troll shows up here? WTF? I swear, every time... it's like someone is trying to frame me, or make it look like I am posing as a troll. Beefy? Rob? SR? Who the hell is messing with my head that way?

I always come back to... yeah, we know that was you Dixie! Isn't it funny how they appeared when Dixie left and vanished when he returned? Yeah, must've been Dixie all along! Yuck yuck yuck.

For the record, I don't troll, I have too much fun and enjoyment, and take too much pride in owning pinheads as 'Dixie, redneck from Alabama'! The closest I've ever come to trolling, is doing parody bits, like Michael Jackson, but that is done in character and intentionally funny, and is not really considered 'trolling' in my book.

It just seems odd to me, and perhaps I just notice it more than others because it always seems to happen to me. Not that it bothers me, I am quite flattered that someone is so obsessed with me, they would seek to set me up like that, or try to pull something cute. Especially on Valentine's Day! ;)

Wow. No one on here even mentioned your name. Which means, nobody thought that it was you.

You know, until NOW.