Illegal Aliens: Just Trying To Make a Better Life for Themselves ?


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Some time ago, I heard Hillary Clinton say (in referring to illegal aliens) that "they're just trying to make a better life for themselves." Nothing new there. We hear illegal alien ass-kissers say that all the time. They also try to put protectionists on the defensive by saying >> ("If you were in their shoes, wouldn't you do the same thing ?")

Well, fact is, I AM kind of in their shoes. Right now, I don't have enough money to pay all my bills. I have fallen behind in them, and my car is starting to make troublesome noises. So I have a choice. I can tough it out and try my best to come up with some extra money, or I can do what the illegal aliens do. I can disrespect the laws of the USA and the states within it, and I could commit illegal acts to try to get the money. I could burglarize houses. I could sell illegal drugs. I could mug people on the street. Steal cars, etc.

But I choose not to do those things. NO, I would NOT do the same thing. And the illegal aliens ? They DO choose the criminal path. They KNOW their actions are illegal. They know they are disrespecting our laws (and us), by coming here illegally. And as far as what Hillary (et al) say >> "just trying to make a better life for themselves" Yeah ? Well, that's what the guy who burglarizes you house says too. And the guy who steals your bicycle. Or your car. Or robs a convenience store. Or hacks into your bank account, and rips you off electronically.

They're all just trying to make a better life for themselves. But guess what. For every one of these dirtbags, there are thousands of people like myself who have never engaged in crime, and never been arrested. And there are millions of people remaining behind in Mexico, China, et al countries, who would like to make a better life for themselves but they're not trying to take money or property or jobs or welfare $$ away from people who those things rightfully belong to.

And the jobs in the US, rightfully belong to American citizens, not foreign invaders. And the wages paid from those jobs rightfully should be going to businesses here in the US, not to ones in Mexico, as a result of Billions of dollars being sent to Mexico by illegal aliens working on the US.

So the next time any liberal, illegal alien ass-kisser thinks about using the "just trying to make a better life for themselves" line, here's piece of of New York advice >> Fogetaboutit!