im a swell guy. grind is sorry


This thread was set up as a test, titled "Grind is going to nuke this thread in five minutes". The only thing in the original message was "lolz". Instead, grind decided to change the title, so I've decided to edit the first post and leave this explanatory note.
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This thread was set up as a test, titled "Grind is going to nuke this thread in five minutes". The only thing in the original message was "lolz". Instead, grind decided to change the title, so I've decided to edit the first post and leave this explanatory note.

Epic Backfire!
Or I ruled with 1/6 of an iron fist, over matters mostly to do with labeling people trolls (power only exercised once, lead to the death of FP).
Or I ruled with 1/6 of an iron fist, over matters mostly to do with labeling people trolls (power only exercised once, lead to the death of FP).

Yes, a noble work indeed. That said, the only person to blame for killing FP is THAT RETARD, SR!!!!!! Anyway, I thought the official labeling of people as trolls was funny. Who did you re-classify anyway, Brent?

SR offered a very retarded argument for not just letting people ignore at will or just banning trolls from moderation down. It's so retarded I won't mention it here. He made the security council with bigger intention of providing input into the site, but he's was an asshole and he never listened to anyone anyway (and he required absurd 5/6 supermajority votes to even have a suggestion submitted), so the Security Council's only power in reality was to label people trolls.

Also, he made every discussion of the council secret because, as we all know, these discussions were about things "crucial to site security". Did I mention he was a neoconservative? So every time we made a decision no one from the site had any input into it and it seemed to just come from nowhere, and it caused a shit storm every time. To add insult to injury, there was a limited suggestions form, but because SR never set it up properly so people were actually thinking they were submitting suggestions to the council, and all of these suggestions were just deleted. The first time I campaigned mostly on opening the forum up and letting the proles see what was going on in there, but SR ignored me and never even responded to this suggestion.

Labellingpeople as trolls would seem to be just a bit useful - just provide people with a list of known trolls to block. Who could go apeshit over just giving the users the WILLFUL ABILITY to ignore a certain users post? But because the act of labeling people a troll seemed like an act of official condemnation, and that seemed like censorship, everyone went apeshit every time it happened. So they only ended up "trolling" two people. Both times this lead to massive defections.

In conclusion, SR is an idiot.