I'm an idiot


I made a 55 on my test in Digital Devices and a 41 on my test in Discrete Structures. I am an idiot and am going to commit suicide via opiate overdose to do humanity a favor and remove myself from the gene pool.
this is news?

No, it is not, it is only due to my idiocy that I have not fully realized it before. My idiocy blocked me from seeing the truth of my complete and uttery stupidity. I think they missed me when they were trying to see who was going to be in the special education classes.
That sucks man. If it makes you feel better, I failed the algebra portion of my college placement tests last week.
I would get far lower than a 55 and a 41 because I cannot do math to save my life.

Cheer up, Watermark, at least you were able to get into an engineering program. If someone let me into one, they would immediatly be fired for gross negligence, creating n hazardous environment, and loads of other safety infractions, as well as crimes against reason. Luckily, my younger brother is engineering material, and has just started on his associates.
Here, enjoy some of this.



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I made a 55 on my test in Digital Devices and a 41 on my test in Discrete Structures. I am an idiot and am going to commit suicide via opiate overdose to do humanity a favor and remove myself from the gene pool.

Sounds like you haven't been through your first divorce yet.

Wait! It gets better.
The test was about 13% of my grade in the class, so I've knocked off about 8 points from my grade.
That's what you get for putting emphasis on a grade. Try doing something productive. It's even harder then getting a grade. :pke:

Don't listen to these proles trying to cheer you up. SM would have aced those classes in his sleep at an Ivy league school, let alone Mississippi County Community College. Face it, if at first you don't succeed you're a :loser:
You're not helping, Moot. GTFO!
Hey! The kids gotta develop a thick hide. In the grand scheme of things....grades dont' mean shit. Do the work, get it done, if it aint done right, do it over till you get it right and quit fucknig whining about it! LOL Suck it up and quit being such a pussy Skidmark!
Hey! The kids gotta develop a thick hide. In the grand scheme of things....grades dont' mean shit. Do the work, get it done, if it aint done right, do it over till you get it right and quit fucknig whining about it! LOL Suck it up and quit being such a pussy Skidmark!

Someone said that to me a long time ago. Or something very close to that.