I'm annoyed


"Special snowflake" was my insult, I came up with it years ago. I applied it to non-egalitarians, libertarians/fascists, because that's exactly what a non-egalitarian/rightist is - someone who thinks they're special, because they're white, or because they're not poor, they think they're better than the rest of us and are entitled to special rights. The way fascists use it just doesn't even make any sense. The entire reason Trumpism exists is because people were told they're special, because they're white, because they're wealthy enough that they don't have to rely on welfare - when, in fact, they're just shit like the rest of us.
Rightists need a reduction in their self-esteem. Self-esteem is the entire problem. They think they're more important than they, in fact, are, that's why they react to egalitarianism so vehemently.
I thought Trumptards were told that they're poor, uneducated, illiterate trailer trash, and that he was going to create jobs for them?
I am special for not being poor though. Objectively and statically speaking, I should have more rights than a poor person because I am less likely (by orders of magnitude) to abuse those rights.