I'm commiting copyright infringement


"For sale, baby shoes, never worn"

BTW, Damocles, there's no way on God's green Earth that I believe you got published in the New Yorker as a first time writer. Just admit it, you were trying to pad your resume! :o
It's not that it's unlikely. It's that it's impossible. The New Yorker pretty much doesn't accept submissions. Literally. I'm surprised they even still take them in. What they usually publish are pullitzer prize winners or something, from people who knew an agent who knew people in the literary department of the New Yorker, and then they had to pull strings to even get it considered.
It's not that it's unlikely. It's that it's impossible. The New Yorker pretty much doesn't accept submissions. Literally. I'm surprised they even still take them in. What they usually publish are pullitzer prize winners or something, from people who knew an agent who knew people in the literary department of the New Yorker, and then they had to pull strings to even get it considered.

No, they absolutely take poetry submissions, and also fiction submissions.
It's not that it's unlikely. It's that it's impossible. The New Yorker pretty much doesn't accept submissions. Literally. I'm surprised they even still take them in. What they usually publish are pullitzer prize winners or something, from people who knew an agent who knew people in the literary department of the New Yorker, and then they had to pull strings to even get it considered.
You are simply wrong.
They take a few of them.

But the rejection rate at a low-tier literary magazing is 99.5%. At the New Yorker? Maybe they'll publish one poem or story from an up and comer once in a while. But the statistical likelihood that anyone on here has ever been published is so low, it's like considering whether or not God exists.
I mean, it's hard to get a decently written popular fiction story or book to be published. The competition to get into a major literary magazine is much more intense. To get an experimental piece of literary fiction published is very difficult.
The reason I'm commiting copyright infringement?

"For sale, baby shoes, never worn"

That is the short story. It's written by one of the greatest literary masters of the 20th century.

It's also, I presume, still copyrighted, but it's short enough for me to memorize it and copy it down on your site.

That was the point of this thread, Damo.

I thought it'd tip you off that YOU weren't "the point" of the thread whenever I followed that with "BTW".