I'm Drank again


Villified User
Darn it is hot and steamy outside. Came in and drunked a quart of Gatorade.

I will have to count the empties in the moring to be sure though.
"Hot and steamy"? What's that?

Its like 76 degrees with 15% humidity here. I think the last time I broke a sweat, was about a month ago in Bakersfield.
About 80% humidity and 88 today I think, is supposed to hit close to 100 on Sunday. Darned global warming.

Actually we only have about 3 more weeks of this sucky weather.

Normally that is.

You don't have to do anything but sit in the shade to sweat.
The pool is nice though. And the little fridge on the pool porch.

I have a table and chairs in the shollow end onf the pool, PVC patio furniture, filled the legs with cement so the sit still. Pretty neat though.

Now if I just had a lazy boy in there.
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The national revolution has broken out! The hall is filled with six hundred men. Nobody is allowed to leave. The Bavarian government and the government at Berlin are deposed.
Outside are Kahr, Lossow and Seisser. They are struggling hard to reach a decision. May I go fuck my mom?"
My favorite part was when he said that he counted the empty bottles. That showed that even if he was actually getting drunk, he was doing it alone.
my scrumptious lady friend just let me touch her boobie. :) I turned on my charm. if im not on for a bit you know what's up people! I just hope jesus forgives me.