Im glad I now registered

I clicked it after you bitched. Apparently it's some Russian porn site. Nothing to do with investment.
Does not mean that any Russian had anything to do with it.....the Imperial Empire very often hacks computers and pulls other shit making it look like the Russians or the Chinese or the North Koreans did it.....false flag operations to drive hate of the Empires enemies.
Does not mean that any Russian had anything to do with it.....the Imperial Empire very often hacks computers and pulls other shit making it look like the Russians or the Chinese or the North Koreans did it.....false flag operations to drive hate of the Empires enemies.
It's a porn site. But you could be correct.
"We're from the government and are here to help" has taken on addition meaning as our government rots and becomes more Evil.
I get told that I am too pessimistic.

My Answer:

"As cynical as I get I keep finding out that I have not been cynical enough"


"Over this life over optimism has been my biggest mistake"
