I'm joining the Jehovah's Witnesses


New member
Just kidding ;)

Actually, I am posting this to let everyone know that in September, I will be leaving for 1 year of intensive Bible study in Canada. I have visited the school many times and always planned to attend, but due to sin and apostasy, neglected to turn in my application. Now, I believe, is the time. This could be my last chance.

After the year is over, who knows... either I'll continue on with a 2nd year of Leadership training, or to Seminary, or come back to Washington and resume my work with Staples. God's will be done.

- Brent
Just kidding ;)

Actually, I am posting this to let everyone know that in September, I will be leaving for 1 year of intensive Bible study in Canada. I have visited the school many times and always planned to attend, but due to sin and apostasy, neglected to turn in my application. Now, I believe, is the time. This could be my last chance.

After the year is over, who knows... either I'll continue on with a 2nd year of Leadership training, or to Seminary, or come back to Washington and resume my work with Staples. God's will be done.

- Brent

Intensive bible study in Canada? Interesting. Where will this be taking place, with the Huderites in Alberta?
Do they only study the Bible or do they study the history of the Bible?
Do they only study the Bible or do they study the history of the Bible?

The Bible itself, for edification and personal growth. Everyone in attendance already knows the Bible is the inerrant, infallible Word of God. The history of the Bible is reserved for seminary.
Spending a whole year studying the bible? You know you only get about 80 odd years....

I think I might set up a religion... Must be tremendous fun to be a messiah....
Good luck Brent , just don't come knocking on my door. I have developed some good methods to run off pesky religious groups...
Just kidding ;)

Actually, I am posting this to let everyone know that in September, I will be leaving for 1 year of intensive Bible study in Canada. I have visited the school many times and always planned to attend, but due to sin and apostasy, neglected to turn in my application. Now, I believe, is the time. This could be my last chance.

After the year is over, who knows... either I'll continue on with a 2nd year of Leadership training, or to Seminary, or come back to Washington and resume my work with Staples. God's will be done.

- Brent

My condolences---- Seriously.