Im now taking bets


How much are you willing to bet Thornicus dosent love Tequila right now as much as he did last night?
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 97

i dont respect anyones openion]

fuck you all bietches

i love tequila!!!
I drank tokillya once when I was 19 and couldnt drink it again untill just a few years ago.
just the smell of it made me sick for years.

I like it again now but I called it to kill ya for a long time.
I used to be iffy about it. Then I found Patron tequila. Now it is my favorite way to make sure I have a short night.
After I logged out last night, I promptly vomited all the contents of my stomach. Then I passed out in the bath tub with the water running. Thankfully, my roommate figured out something was wrong, busted the door open, turned off the water (it was overflowing), and shook me awake.

This morning, again I paid homage to the porcelain altar.

But I'm feeling a lot better now, except for a pounding headache.

I'm never going to swallow another drop of it!!!
After I logged out last night, I promptly vomited all the contents of my stomach. Then I passed out in the bath tub with the water running. Thankfully, my roommate figured out something was wrong, busted the door open, turned off the water (it was overflowing), and shook me awake.

This morning, again I paid homage to the porcelain altar.

But I'm feeling a lot better now, except for a pounding headache.

I'm never going to swallow another drop it!

It sounds like you're damned lucky to be here to tell us that! :rolleyes:
Well, you have handled your morning after well. At least you didn't come in ranting about someone else posting all that from your computer.

Aspirin and a B complex vitamin.
I'm never going to swallow another drop of it!!![/b]

I think we have all made that promise more than a few times.

But, alas, sometime the worm will beckon you back to the land of "bulklshit" again.
not me man.

I made a promise to stay away from it and I'mkeeping it.

I can drink margarita's for some reason.