Im off to Cali


Its fun time , just hanging arround and interviewing perspective tennents.


Can you just imagine having Desh as your landlord.

Her rental questionnaire

1. Are you a Republican. (If yes immediately thrown them out)

2. Did you vote for Bush in last two elections.
(If yes immediately thrown them out)

3. Do you believe in extraterrestrials?
(If yes, add 5 points)

4. Do you believe the US government was behind the bombings on 9/11?
(If yes, add 30 points)

5. Do you believe that Obama is the true messiah?
(If yes, add 50 points)

6. What religion are you?
(If Muslim, add 30 points)
(If Christian, subtract 30 points)
(If None, add 30)

7. Add 50 points for any of the following.
(Minority, gay or lesbian, on welfare, illegal)
quit hating on me becuase Im wealthier than you dude.


Wealthy people do not interview or mingle with prospective renters, that's what property management firms are for. They are great at weeding out all the undesirables.

Wealthy people do not interview or mingle with prospective renters, that's what property management firms are for. They are great at weeding out all the undesirables.

A lot of wealthy people would despise the idea of handing over 15% of their rent money to someone else.

Thats how they got to be wealthy, by not blowing their money.