I'm outraged


Sanctimonious Prick
watching the news and reading blogs I was surprised to see the gunsite picture from a drone of taliban fighters (reported as leaders) attending a funneral and the operators of the drone were not able to launch missiles because they were gathered in a cemetary for a funneral. The rules say, "can't shoot em while their in a cemetary". Say what? This is in some rule of war. I want to know who wrote such silly garbage. I want his or her name. Is this a NATO weenie or is this a US rule? I've found plenty of sites with the story but no one is digging deeper. This sort of thing just pisses me off no end. Is it part of the new sensitivity training they give our forces. :mad:
I sort of view this as allowing medics to tend the wounded in a battlefield. But no gaffer use the dead as bait.....
It was a agreement between the state department and the Afghan goverment. No actual laws ban it.
One final thought gaffer. since you feel this way you did support the right of people to protest at US vets funerals didn't you ?
Wow. Good thing we have stories about it. If I were a terrorist I would make my base in a Crypt.
Wow. Good thing we have stories about it. If I were a terrorist I would make my base in a Crypt.

:)......yep, I would bunk with the Crypt keeper to save my hide. Seriously, I don't like the idea of a terrorist getting a free pass but I appreciate keeping the innocents safe that are in attendance. I would recommend somehow tailing them back to where they came from and taking them out.
Yeah it is unfortunate, like having pow camps next to a munitions factory. But do we adjust our morals to those of our enemy ?
It was a agreement between the state department and the Afghan goverment. No actual laws ban it.

Really tobes? How do you know that....?

And of Course being the professed DOVE that I am, I agree with the rule... :)
How do we expect to win the hearts and minds of the Afghan people and show them our govt and way of life is worth following if we don't keep our word to them ?
We do, isn't that the point. I would however, if I were a terrorist use this information for my best interest. I'd be sleeping and eating in a mosque full of kids next to the busiest crypt I could find.
We do, isn't that the point. I would however, if I were a terrorist use this information for my best interest. I'd be sleeping and eating in a mosque full of kids next to the busiest crypt I could find.

And from what I have seen, I think they do a lot of the time. I believe the terrorists (not the true islamists or even normal ME people) place far less value on human life than we do.
watching the news and reading blogs I was surprised to see the gunsite picture from a drone of taliban fighters (reported as leaders) attending a funneral and the operators of the drone were not able to launch missiles because they were gathered in a cemetary for a funneral. The rules say, "can't shoot em while their in a cemetary". Say what? This is in some rule of war. I want to know who wrote such silly garbage. I want his or her name. Is this a NATO weenie or is this a US rule? I've found plenty of sites with the story but no one is digging deeper. This sort of thing just pisses me off no end. Is it part of the new sensitivity training they give our forces. :mad:

Since you didn't provide a link, I can't evaluate this.

There are always two sides to every story, and facts to be considered. Usually, providing a mainstream media source will allow to see if I agree with you or not.
Now imo, there is no reason the minute these people left the cemetary ground that we could not have taken action or taken them out. and there is no reason we should not have followed the crowd of suspicion and followed them to their hole in a cave....

Did we do any of that? Or did we just throw our hands up in the air? Where the hell is our "thinking out of the box" intelligence that we are PAYING to have?

Of course Damo :)

but it seems to me that Gaffer would call in an air strike to get some terrorists that were holding a school full of children hostage. And call it colateral damage or acceptable loses.