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Well, our deplorable insane President once again proves he’s the sane one relative to foreign relations. He charged the Arabs to join together and erase the Islamic radical terrorist from their lands, and then pissed off the arrogant freeloading Europeans by making public to the world they’re a freeloading gang of socialist idiots unwilling to pay for their own national defense and he charged them publically to pony up their dues to NATO and get off of the backs of America’s taxpayers.
Of course the leftist media has been horrified by the maniac in our White House. His tireless agenda to save foreign wasted American taxpayer’s money is proof of his insanity.
Actually, I’m starting to like the whack job. His Supreme Court pick was fabulous!
Of course the leftist media has been horrified by the maniac in our White House. His tireless agenda to save foreign wasted American taxpayer’s money is proof of his insanity.
Actually, I’m starting to like the whack job. His Supreme Court pick was fabulous!