APP - Imagine if this were reversed?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

So here is a Washington Post poll showing Trump has reversed Crooked Hillary's lead by 11 points since March and the Washington Post is trying to bury it.

Now this poll is with registered voters which traditionally polls higher for the democrat party. If Crooked Hillary is losing by 2% points with registered voters then it is most assuredly worse with likely voters.

There are a number of troubling signs for Crooked Hillary heading into November

1) Trump has wrapped up the GOP nomination and it looks like for the most part the GOP didn't come unraveled and many people are coalescing around Trump
2) Bernie doesn't look to be going anywhere despite the fact that he has no mathematical chance of winning the nomination
3) The longer Bernie stays in the race, the worse it is for Crooked Hillary
4) Bernie's followers are much more passionate about him than they are for Crooked Hillary. About the best the Crooked Hillary fans can muster is "she would be the first President with a vagina". That just isn't going to cut it with the younger set. It might work for JPPs feminist crowd, but they are old and dying off so not enough to carry Crooked Hillary
5) In a recent poll, Crooked Hillary only got 84% of the black vote. Now you may say yeah, but Trump only gets 9%. That is true, but for a democrat to be under 90% with black voters is astounding and unprecedented. Couple that with the fact that it is highly unlikely that black voters turn out for her like they did in 2008 and she is in trouble with this minority block
6) Turnout in the democrat party primary has been underwhelming to say the least. The excitement is all on the side of the GOP

When you add all of these factors together and if they hold into September. And I say IF (much can still happen), but if this holds, then Crooked Hillary stands no chance against Trump and she will get trounced. She will even lose traditionally democrat states. She is a flawed and broken candidate. The democrat party will rue the day they nominated her.

The Clinton's legacy in the democrat party will be one of devastation and wreckage.
The irony here is that Trump is more liberal than Hillary and less of a Hawk than Hillary. Once those items would have been thrown at any democrat, now not a word. The most interesting aspect of this election is fact two liberal democrats are running and each is disliked by large segments of the population. Trump flip flops so on so many issues I'm not sure why this isn't noted daily? PolitiFacts' site covers the BS well.

I have learned one thing from this election, I think it should be obvious to most, the republican party is an empty shadow box. Family values, hawks, free trade, religiosity, faith based, policy positions, and the list goes on, were all slogans, empty words given Trump's positions. Does compassion call another a rapist because they want a better life? Does a religious person condemn another religion? Does a society of immigrants repeat their troubled history with immigration, does a sane person not wonder at our gun deaths? And does a person condemned by all in the most specific ways then get your vote and your support because they wear a similar suit? A man who labeled you ugly, little, weak, called your entire institution crooked now has your blessing. Unreal but telling of the shallowness of the American people.

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average [conservative] voter." Winston Churchill