Japan (a country of 125 million) had an entire year without any gun deaths. They typically have years with single or low double digit gun deaths. That is an extreme case, but it shows that even the extreme cases are possible.
Canada has more(per capita) hunting than the USA, and worse yet has the USA on its border. It has a culture as similar to the USA as any foreign country. And yet we have five times more gun deaths(per capita). Australia also has a gun culture, and yet we have 10 times more gun deaths than they do. Neither of these countries are as good as Japan, but they have greatly reduced gun deaths while keeping their gun culture.
Back to Japan, for an extreme example. No criminal in their right mind would walk around with a gun. If it were spotted, there would be no excuse. And illegal guns cost at least $50k there, so it would be a very rich criminal who could even afford one.