
unlike most chickenhawks/bush/war apologists, he joined the military and was probably deployed by now.
If I recall he got deployed and came back here briefly and was against the war.


I was thinking of that other kid............the one that me and Maineman ripped into mercilessly. I think it began with an E.

I was thinking of that other kid............the one that me and Maineman ripped into mercilessly. I think it began with an E.


The bush apologist kid that said he couldn't serve in Iraq, because his Mommy wouldn't let him?!!
Well I think technically if you are the only son in a family (or maybe only child) a mother can refuse to let you serve....but I'm not sure.
Only if the mother..........

Well I think technically if you are the only son in a family (or maybe only child) a mother can refuse to let you serve....but I'm not sure.

has to sign for a minor under the age of eighteen...the decision after that age falls with the son/daughter!

Shows how much LadyT knows-- I know very few pro-war Americans that haven't been in the military.

ie:Big Mouth Cypress comes to mind..along with darla,lady T and many others who rant the most...they are the chickens and want everyone to justify their cowardness...!