Immigrating to U.S. becomes much costlier


JPP Modarater

"Immigrants could end up paying thousands of dollars more to enter and stay in the country after July 30, when dozens of application fees will double or even triple, sparking opposition from a broad coalition of activists and a rush by immigrants to submit their paperwork before the little-publicized changes take effect."

“However, placing the full costs of these investments on the back of hardworking newcomers is driving fees to a level that immigrants simply cannot afford.”

"They said much of the agency’s budget pays for enforcement, which legal applicants should not be responsible for."

Not sure how I feel about that. I know I don't want my taxes to go up nor do I want any of my current tax bill diverted from core social programs to this. I'm also not sure what they mean by "enforcement". They aren't INS. They only deal with administrative issues if I'm not mistaken. I'd be more inclined to support the hikes if they guaranteed that the process would take half to three times the amount of time it currently takes. But I'm skeptical that it will just amount to more gov't waste and immigrants shouldn't have to fund inefficiencies.
Well, there's a way to guarantte you only get top notch, moneyed folks coming to America, and none of those dirty "other", unmoneyed peoples.
It's about 1700 now...

Not as high as I had thought, but still, it's going to prevent most any immigrant from poorer countries from immigrating. 1700 is the average yearly wage for the average world citizen.