Immigration Detention Center


JPP Modarater

"WASHINGTON - Advocacy groups for immigrant families and the Department of Homeland Security are at odds over detention facilities in Texas and Pennsylvania that critics argue are inhumanely housing adults and young children in jail-like conditions."

"“What hits you the hardest in there is that it’s a prison. In Hutto, it’s a prison,”"

"The Homeland Security Department defended the centers as a workable solution to the problem of illegal immigrants being released, only to disappear while awaiting hearings."

"The facility in Leesport, Pa., about 50 miles northwest of Philadelphia, is a former nursing home and “less jail-like,” allowing families to go on field trips and having a better education system for children."

This is interesting. I liked the idea of giving them the home arrest bracelets better than this. Prison is prison regardless of how you paint the walls. The fact is that they and their kids are not allowed to leave which I find fundamentally wrong. Perhaps if they had a choice to go back or stay there I'd find it less degrading but this doesn't seem right one bit.
Lets just fasttrack the hearings and ship em back.
You don't need a hearing to ship them back. They can agree to go back on their own and they'd send them back. These people are being held for trials on other things as well as just hearings on whether we are going to send them back to whichever nation they come from.