Immigration Divides Romney and Giuliani


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Immigration Divides Romney and Giuliani

Aug 15, 3:22 AM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Mitt Romney accuses former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani of making his city a haven for illegal immigrants. Giuliani denies it, insisting he cracked down on lawlessness of every kind.

It's the first real clash between two leading Republican candidates who are vulnerable on immigration, a volatile issue that infuriates Republican conservatives who hold sway over primary elections.

At issue are so-called sanctuary cities, places where city employees are not required to report illegal immigrants to federal authorities. Some, such as San Francisco, have declared themselves sanctuaries or refuges. Others, like New York, have never adopted the "sanctuary" moniker.

New York's policy, issued by Democratic Mayor Ed Koch in 1988, is intended to make illegal immigrants feel that they can report crimes, send their children to school or seek medical treatment without fear of being reported.

(AP) Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani, holds up a card as an example of what a federal...
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An estimated half-million illegal and undocumented immigrants live in New York, and only a fraction are deported each year.