Immigration - Invasion. Kill Or Be killed?


I was watching an episode of 60 Minutes a couple weeks ago. The name of the particular episode was, "The Vanishing Wild." Though I already knew pretty much what was going on, it was still interesting. We are in the midst of an extinction event. The reason is mainly overpopulation. The last time that the human population on Earth was sustainable was back in 1970. When there were about 3.5 billion people on earth. Now there are over 8 billion. In the past 50 years global wildlife has dropped by about 69%. And right now we are consuming 175% more than the Earth can regenerate. So what does all this mean? I talk to dead people. And I am doing so right now.

Here is the thing about overpopulation. The U.S. is mainly populated by White people. But the population levels of Whites, anywhere, aren't rising. In some places, they are going down a little. And every single day there are around 228,000 more people on the planet than there was before. For the U.S. to be letting people from south of the border invade our country is suicidal at best. Utterly treasonous at worst. Biden must be the most stupid president we ever had to be letting it happen. (Not that republicans are any better) All the people of the world would like to live the kind of lifestyle that we do here in the U.S. The problem is that we would need another 5 1/2 Earths to support that lifestyle.

Now what I am talking about is YOUR own personal ass! You have to do what you can to survive. It either YOU or THEM. Unless you are brainwashed to the point of being brain damaged, you should choose yourself. So does that mean that you should go out and kill those invaders? I won't say either you should or shouldn't. But what I will say is that nothing else has worked to keep them out. You can decide for yourself. Become extinct or live. The choice is yours. I will post a link to the video. You would do well to watch it. Though it may not work. In which case you will have to go to youtube yourself and enter into the search, "60 Minutes, The Vanishing Wild."

I was watching an episode of 60 Minutes a couple weeks ago. The name of the particular episode was, "The Vanishing Wild." Though I already knew pretty much what was going on, it was still interesting. We are in the midst of an extinction event. The reason is mainly overpopulation. The last time that the human population on Earth was sustainable was back in 1970. When there were about 3.5 billion people on earth. Now there are over 8 billion. In the past 50 years global wildlife has dropped by about 69%. And right now we are consuming 175% more than the Earth can regenerate. So what does all this mean? I talk to dead people. And I am doing so right now.

Here is the thing about overpopulation. The U.S. is mainly populated by White people. But the population levels of Whites, anywhere, aren't rising. In some places, they are going down a little. And every single day there are around 228,000 more people on the planet than there was before. For the U.S. to be letting people from south of the border invade our country is suicidal at best. Utterly treasonous at worst. Biden must be the most stupid president we ever had to be letting it happen. (Not that republicans are any better) All the people of the world would like to live the kind of lifestyle that we do here in the U.S. The problem is that we would need another 5 1/2 Earths to support that lifestyle.

Now what I am talking about is YOUR own personal ass! You have to do what you can to survive. It either YOU or THEM. Unless you are brainwashed to the point of being brain damaged, you should choose yourself. So does that mean that you should go out and kill those invaders? I won't say either you should or shouldn't. But what I will say is that nothing else has worked to keep them out. You can decide for yourself. Become extinct or live. The choice is yours. I will post a link to the video. You would do well to watch it. Though it may not work. In which case you will have to go to youtube yourself and enter into the search, "60 Minutes, The Vanishing Wild."


I was watching an episode of 60 Minutes a couple weeks ago. The name of the particular episode was, "The Vanishing Wild." Though I already knew pretty much what was going on, it was still interesting. We are in the midst of an extinction event. The reason is mainly overpopulation. The last time that the human population on Earth was sustainable was back in 1970. When there were about 3.5 billion people on earth. Now there are over 8 billion. In the past 50 years global wildlife has dropped by about 69%. And right now we are consuming 175% more than the Earth can regenerate. So what does all this mean? I talk to dead people. And I am doing so right now.

Here is the thing about overpopulation. The U.S. is mainly populated by White people. But the population levels of Whites, anywhere, aren't rising. In some places, they are going down a little. And every single day there are around 228,000 more people on the planet than there was before. For the U.S. to be letting people from south of the border invade our country is suicidal at best. Utterly treasonous at worst. Biden must be the most stupid president we ever had to be letting it happen. (Not that republicans are any better) All the people of the world would like to live the kind of lifestyle that we do here in the U.S. The problem is that we would need another 5 1/2 Earths to support that lifestyle.

Now what I am talking about is YOUR own personal ass! You have to do what you can to survive. It either YOU or THEM. Unless you are brainwashed to the point of being brain damaged, you should choose yourself. So does that mean that you should go out and kill those invaders? I won't say either you should or shouldn't. But what I will say is that nothing else has worked to keep them out. You can decide for yourself. Become extinct or live. The choice is yours. I will post a link to the video. You would do well to watch it. Though it may not work. In which case you will have to go to youtube yourself and enter into the search, "60 Minutes, The Vanishing Wild."

Well at least somebody replied. Not that it was much of a reply. You might at least have said why you were ok with your impending doom.
I was watching an episode of 60 Minutes a couple weeks ago. The name of the particular episode was, "The Vanishing Wild." Though I already knew pretty much what was going on, it was still interesting. We are in the midst of an extinction event. The reason is mainly overpopulation. The last time that the human population on Earth was sustainable was back in 1970. When there were about 3.5 billion people on earth. Now there are over 8 billion. In the past 50 years global wildlife has dropped by about 69%. And right now we are consuming 175% more than the Earth can regenerate. So what does all this mean? I talk to dead people. And I am doing so right now.

Here is the thing about overpopulation. The U.S. is mainly populated by White people. But the population levels of Whites, anywhere, aren't rising. In some places, they are going down a little. And every single day there are around 228,000 more people on the planet than there was before. For the U.S. to be letting people from south of the border invade our country is suicidal at best. Utterly treasonous at worst. Biden must be the most stupid president we ever had to be letting it happen. (Not that republicans are any better) All the people of the world would like to live the kind of lifestyle that we do here in the U.S. The problem is that we would need another 5 1/2 Earths to support that lifestyle.

Now what I am talking about is YOUR own personal ass! You have to do what you can to survive. It either YOU or THEM. Unless you are brainwashed to the point of being brain damaged, you should choose yourself. So does that mean that you should go out and kill those invaders? I won't say either you should or shouldn't. But what I will say is that nothing else has worked to keep them out. You can decide for yourself. Become extinct or live. The choice is yours. I will post a link to the video. You would do well to watch it. Though it may not work. In which case you will have to go to youtube yourself and enter into the search, "60 Minutes, The Vanishing Wild."

Well at least somebody replied. Not that it was much of a reply. You might at least have said why you were ok with your impending doom.

Does nobody here have an opinion on this matter? Really?