Immigration Is Not The Biggest Problem Facing America. Political Corruption IS.


Diversity Makes Greatness
Immigration is a distraction.

Trump is a conman.

He is pulling a big con on America with immigration.

Why is talking about immigration a big con?

Because nothing has changed there. We have had an immigration problem for a long time, during good times and bad.

The economy has gone up and down the whole time.

Immigration really has very little to do with the economy.

If immigration is this big problem that hurts our economy, and we haven't solved it yet, haven't built that wall, how is it possible that the economy is doing so well?


Immigration doesn't seem to be hurting the economy at all.

Think about it.

That's why it is a con to be focusing all our attention on it.

It is a distraction from a much bigger problem.


Corruption is legal in America.

Watch this:

No thread ban on this one.

Go ahead and steal this thread if you want.

This is an issue that needs to be talked about.

Even you trolls I have on Ignore should be able to talk about this.

I hope you do.

The corruption of big money in our government is a bigger problem than immigration.

We all need to think about the solution.

Fortunately there is a solution.

And it has nothing to do with either party.

If you are tired of the two-party duopoly and political corruption you might be very interested in this movement to save America:


Are you an American or a party hack?

Are you more loyal to your political party or to your country.

Time to put up or shut up.

Corruption keeps us from getting what we want.

We solve corruption, then we can solve a lot of other issues.

Such as immigration.

If that is really a problem at all. Which I can't understand why so many people think it is, when the economy is doing so well. At least for the rich it is, anyway.

Because they get what they want.

We don't.

We gotta fix that.

Let's do.
No thread ban on this one.

Everybody has a stake in this.

(Naturally, I will not respond to those whom I have on permanent Ignore, but they should be able to comment on this)
Border Patrol Chief: 'We Certainly Need a Wall, Any Agent Will Tell You That'

Border Patrol Agent: Trump's wall is the best way to end to the humanitarian crisis on our southern border

Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner: Agents Need the Wall

'The Crisis Is Real': Ret. ICE Special Agent Who Survived Ambush Supports ‘Much Needed’ Border Wall
Hello jimmymccready,


More Americans identify with neither major party than with one.

More Americans, if they give any indication at all, identify themselves politically as independents.

"No party at all" is the largest political preference for Americans.

That means most people are disgusted with the two-party system.

Oh sure, people tend to vote primarily with one party more than the other.

That's me.

I have no party. I am liberal. The Democrats would like to claim me, but I refuse to identify with them. They're corrupt.

I most often vote with the Dems, but I refuse to embrace that corrupt party, refuse to call it my own.

I am sure there are plenty of conservatives who feel the same way about the Republican Party.

If they have a party preference at all, often it is simply so they can vote in closed primaries.

Closed Primaries! Whose idea was that?

That comes from the parties themselves.

No State decided to do that.

That is imposed on us by the two-party duopoly.

Just as the closed debates are.

And the requirement to raise a certain amount of cash to be included in national polling.

It's not what you SAY that counts. It's how much MONEY you can raise that gets you elected.

We gotta fix that.

Now, the way to fix it is clear.

It has to start as a local thing.
It is a distraction from a much bigger problem.
Corruption is legal in America.
The corruption of big money in our government is a bigger problem than immigration.

You might want to look up the definition of corruption. I don't think you understand what it means. But, it is not the number one issue on American's minds; it is ILLEGAL immigration.

There are only TWO ways to end the influence of money on our Government. (1) Term limits. Four two year terms for House members and TWO four year terms for the Senate. After that, these professional politicians move on and go back to State politics; and (2) Abolish the abomination we call the Tax Code and supplant it with a FAIR TAX. Anything else is just window dressing and will do NOTHING to end the influence of money peddling.

I'll be happy to elaborate on this further with anyone who wants to have a serious discussion.
Immigration is a distraction.

Trump is a conman.

He is pulling a big con on America with immigration.

Why is talking about immigration a big con?

Because nothing has changed there. We have had an immigration problem for a long time, during good times and bad.

The economy has gone up and down the whole time.

Immigration really has very little to do with the economy.

If immigration is this big problem that hurts our economy, and we haven't solved it yet, haven't built that wall, how is it possible that the economy is doing so well?


Immigration doesn't seem to be hurting the economy at all.

Think about it.

That's why it is a con to be focusing all our attention on it.

It is a distraction from a much bigger problem.


Corruption is legal in America.

Watch this:

No thread ban on this one.

Go ahead and steal this thread if you want.

This is an issue that needs to be talked about.

Even you trolls I have on Ignore should be able to talk about this.

I hope you do.

The corruption of big money in our government is a bigger problem than immigration.

We all need to think about the solution.

Fortunately there is a solution.

And it has nothing to do with either party.

If you are tired of the two-party duopoly and political corruption you might be very interested in this movement to save America:


Are you an American or a party hack?

Are you more loyal to your political party or to your country.

Time to put up or shut up.

Corruption keeps us from getting what we want.

We solve corruption, then we can solve a lot of other issues.

Such as immigration.

If that is really a problem at all. Which I can't understand why so many people think it is, when the economy is doing so well. At least for the rich it is, anyway.

Because they get what they want.

We don't.

We gotta fix that.

Let's do.
GREAT CLIP, should be required viewing for all-BOTH CROOKED POLITICAL PARTIES......
Anybody who ever wondered why it seems useless to vote can now understand why it is that way.

The Constitution doesn't say it should be useless to vote.

The Constitution doesn't say it should feel hollow and pointless to contact your representative.

The Constitution doesn't say we should all slide into apathy and feel like we have no power.

The Constitution gives the power to the people, not the rich.

So how come the rich get what they want, and the people don't?

The non-rich outnumber the rich.

The non-rich should get more of what they want, and the rich should not always be getting what they way.

That's what the Constitution envisions.

But we all know it doesn't work that way.

The rich have a FAR greater chance of getting what they want out of government than the non-rich.

It wasn't supposed to be that way.

We gotta fix that.

We CAN fix that.

THAT is what we need to do.

Support proposed local anti-corruption laws.

VOTE for any measure or ballot initiative that limits the money flowing into government.
Hi Bill,

GREAT CLIP, should be required viewing for all-BOTH CROOKED POLITICAL PARTIES......

Have you or are going to make a thread based on this video??

If you have not, pls do so, if you don't someone else will...........

I have already.

This is it.

I also began one in which I thread-banned my IgList, but those threads are limited to civil discussion.

Everybody needs to know about this, talk about this.

So this is the thread to talk about ending big money corruption of our government.

Wide open.

Anybody can comment here.

Only the rich think big money should be able to buy influence over our government. MOST people know that's a crock.


I have zero problem with anybody stealing this OP link.

Make your own thread. Put it in whatever perspective you wish.

This needs to get talked about.

People need to know about this.
As the video points out, there is nothing new here, this has been known for a long long time, & yet nothing is being done, because the ones that need to do it are the very benefactors of these loopholes/lack of laws preventing them from profiting from their positions & basically telling us, the rest of the country to fuck-off..
I gave this thread a controversial title and theme so that it would get noticed and get enough activity so that it would be seen by everybody.

And really, immigration is such a con.

That's not where we need to be putting our energy.

The only reason Trump has made any kind of an issue out of it is because the uneducated and poorly informed get triggered by it.

And there are SO many uneducated and poorly informed Americans.

Immigration gets attention. Trump wants attention. So Trump talks about immigration.


Did ya think he's really gonna do anything about corruption?


He's as corrupt as they come.

He even talked about how corrupt he was during the 2016 campaign.

He used legal corruption.

He gave to all kinds of politicians.

Both parties.

He knew the score.

He gives, then when he needs a favor from any of them, they've got his back.

That's the way it works.

He's not going to do anything about fixing that.

We have to do that.
I invite conservatives to create a similar thread that blames distractions from corruption on Democrats.

I know some people think Democrats are elites supported by big money.

Some of them ARE.

But the real problem is the big money.

You know, they say 'follow the money.'

You could carry on about how rich Hillary is.

Hate on her because she got rich.

Call it a Dem problem.

I don't care.

Call it anything you like.

It is a problem for all of us.

We need to call a truce on this.

It's not a Dem problem or a Repub problem.

It is an American problem.

And we, the people, can fix it.

Over time.

We can't fix it right away.

One step at a time.

Just like every other major change in this country, it starts off local.

Get your city to pass anti-corruption laws. Your county. Your State.

South Dakota already did it.

We need more.

Once we get enough States to do it, the Federal government will have to cave. It will become a national issue that will move voters. Somebody will have to run on it and they will get elected. And more will follow. When we get enough, the US Congress will kick the big money out of politics. That's the goal.

Make politicians work for us instead of spending 70% of their time fund-raising.
Immigration Is Not The Biggest Problem Facing America. Political Corruption IS. " Absolutely and obviously but of course the antigovernment conspiring GOPer terrorist racket projects and deflects its corrupt atrocities on immigration, which pales in comparison in terms of being a big problem.
The prog left do not have the numbers nor the moral input to take over the Democratic Party.

All I can do is to encourage those out on the left to vote the Democratic ticket nationally this fall. Anyone who votes for Trump is doing Russia's will.
Hello jimmymccready,

The prog left do not have the numbers nor the moral input to take over the Democratic Party.

All I can do is to encourage those out on the left to vote the Democratic ticket nationally this fall. Anyone who votes for Trump is doing Russia's will.

Yeah, but even if we vote in all Dems they wouldn't fix our legalized system of corruption.

I agree the lessor of two evils is preferable.

But in the end, we need to do something about legalized corruption.
I will be voting out Trump and his followers every chance I get.

And as I do, I will be voting in continued corruption.

They don't start out corrupt.

The start out with great intentions.

After they get there, they become indoctrinated into the system.

From then on, they pretty much get told: "Either you tow the party line or the party will not support you."

At that point they have a choice. Either fade and get voted out or fall into line.

The good ones who refuse do get voted out.

The ones who fall in line get re-elected.

Both parties.

We can fix this by getting the big money out of government.

Return government to the people.

It would be a huge radical change.

A change that we desperately need.