Impeach Hillary Clinton


Verified User

It matters not that Donald Trump won the election. The detestable things Democrats did to Candidate-President Trump stand as one the most successful, best coordinated, conspiracies in this country’s history. Civil servants, the FBI, the CIA, President Obama, the Department of Justice all took part in the conspiracy. Their government positions makes it a conspiracy rather than the usual political dirty tricks.

NOTE: There were no foreign enemies mixed up in Richard Nixon’s dirty tricks; yet he was driven out of office. The Chicago sewer was deeply involved in a conspiracy that included a foreign enemy, RUSSIA, yet not one television mouth ever hinted that Obama should be impeached, nor is anyone saying he should be impeached now that the facts are coming out. Democrat scum throughout federal bureaucracies were knowingly in bed with Russia, yet not one of them will be charged with the crime of treason let alone see the inside of a jail.

The conspiracy did not began with the Steele Dossier. The Conspiracy actually began with a DNC strategy decision —— increase Democrat voter turnout in 2016 no matter what it takes. The Steele Dossier was the result of the strategy. The master plan was Hillary Clinton’s victory in 2016. MI6 agent Christopher Steele and Russian intelligence agents created a loony tunes narrative in preparation for Hillary Clinton’s coronation.

Had Hillary Clinton & Company ever had the slightest inkling she would lose the election there would have been no Steele Dossier.

Democrats caught a break when dumbass establishment Republicans handed Nancy Pelosi the speaker’s gavel —— and House committees. Put it in perspective by imagining the southern border the last two years without Nadler and Schiff chairing committees. Hell, think about the southern border without Speaker Pelosi blocking every attempt to secure the border.

Putin Prefers Trump
was a short story Democrats published on television. Democrats never gave a satisfactory explanation as to why Putin preferred Trump because the truth is:

Putin preferred Hillary over Trump hands down. Even today, Putin is doing his best to salvage Hillary’s reputation. If you doubt it compare everything Hillary did for Russia to Trump’s non-crimes —— then ask yourself who would you prefer if you were Putin?

After Hillary blew the election Democrats added “BLACKMAIL” to Putin’s list of reasons why he preferred Trump:

Democrats implying that Putin was blackmailing President Trump comes straight out of Saul Alinsky’s play book. Accuse opponents of your crimes. The play works for Democrats every time. Had Hillary Clinton won the election nothing would have been said about Putin and Clinton.

Democrats dared not offer lies claiming Putin had the goods on CANDIDATE Trump. Democrats dared not simply because the real truth had been public knowledge for a long time:

If Putin had blackmail material on anybody he had a warehouse full of stuff on the Clintons and the Steel Dossier, and the Uranium One deal:

Hillary Clinton and the 2010 Uranium One deal with Russia are back in the news.

Senator Chuck Grassley (R- Iowa) wants the information obtained from a raid on the home of a former FBI contractor who provided watchdog documents related to former Secretary of State and the sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to a Russian firm.

Dec 13, 2018, 06:00am
Russian Uranium One Deal And Hillary Clinton In The News Again
James Conca

Democrats have three reasons for spending all of their time working to impeach President Trump.

1. Democrats cannot campaign on any of the Socialist policies they advocate.

2. Television mouths will smoother talk about Hillary by dominating the airwaves with impeachment chatter.

3. There is a lot of mileage left in the phony charges against Trump. In short: Never let a good lie go to waste.

In addition to everything else, tagging President Trump with treason will even the score for Alger Hiss:

NOTE: FDR’s fair-haired boy, Alger Hiss, presided as acting secretary-general at the U.N. Conference in San Francisco in 1945. That should tell everyone everything they need to know about Democrats and the U.N.

Instead of Democrats openly defending Hiss in their first attempt to whitewash his crime the Party of Liars called President Eisenhower a liar over the U-2 Spy Plane Affair. (Ike did not lie to the American people. He lied to the Russians to protect this country. Democrats lie to betray the country)

Bottom line: Judge Sullivan implying that President Trump committed treason for Russia via Michael Flynn is far more effective than simply calling Trump a liar.

Alger Hiss will remain the Democrat Party’s worst nightmare until another big name Democrat goes to jail. That is why media mouths will never say treason and Hillary Clinton in the same sentence; hence, an all-out effort to lay treason on President Trump without bringing a formal charge. A talking point would suffice if it does not backfire. Too late. It backfired. The stupidity of today’s Democrat Party brain trust is beyond comprehension. Five minutes of research will uncover the Democrat Party’s love affair with the Soviet Union throughout the Cold War and well into Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state —— think Russia and uranium.
Finally, there is not a chance Democrats can impeach President Trump. On the other hand, there is enough evidence to impeach Hillary Clinton. Obviously, a guilty verdict cannot remove her from a non-existent office, but it can send her to jail. If not jail time she can lose her secret service bodyguards, her pension, and everything else she gets from the federal government. A guilty verdict could even make her return the money she got from her crimes.

It matters not that Donald Trump won the election. The detestable things Democrats did to Candidate-President Trump stand as one the most successful, best coordinated, conspiracies in this country’s history. Civil servants, the FBI, the CIA, President Obama, the Department of Justice all took part in the conspiracy. Their government positions makes it a conspiracy rather than the usual political dirty tricks.

NOTE: There were no foreign enemies mixed up in Richard Nixon’s dirty tricks; yet he was driven out of office. The Chicago sewer was deeply involved in a conspiracy that included a foreign enemy, RUSSIA, yet not one television mouth ever hinted that Obama should be impeached, nor is anyone saying he should be impeached now that the facts are coming out. Democrat scum throughout federal bureaucracies were knowingly in bed with Russia, yet not one of them will be charged with the crime of treason let alone see the inside of a jail.

The conspiracy did not began with the Steele Dossier. The Conspiracy actually began with a DNC strategy decision —— increase Democrat voter turnout in 2016 no matter what it takes. The Steele Dossier was the result of the strategy. The master plan was Hillary Clinton’s victory in 2016. MI6 agent Christopher Steele and Russian intelligence agents created a loony tunes narrative in preparation for Hillary Clinton’s coronation.

Had Hillary Clinton & Company ever had the slightest inkling she would lose the election there would have been no Steele Dossier.

Democrats caught a break when dumbass establishment Republicans handed Nancy Pelosi the speaker’s gavel —— and House committees. Put it in perspective by imagining the southern border the last two years without Nadler and Schiff chairing committees. Hell, think about the southern border without Speaker Pelosi blocking every attempt to secure the border.

Putin Prefers Trump
was a short story Democrats published on television. Democrats never gave a satisfactory explanation as to why Putin preferred Trump because the truth is:

Putin preferred Hillary over Trump hands down. Even today, Putin is doing his best to salvage Hillary’s reputation. If you doubt it compare everything Hillary did for Russia to Trump’s non-crimes —— then ask yourself who would you prefer if you were Putin?

After Hillary blew the election Democrats added “BLACKMAIL” to Putin’s list of reasons why he preferred Trump:

Democrats implying that Putin was blackmailing President Trump comes straight out of Saul Alinsky’s play book. Accuse opponents of your crimes. The play works for Democrats every time. Had Hillary Clinton won the election nothing would have been said about Putin and Clinton.

Democrats dared not offer lies claiming Putin had the goods on CANDIDATE Trump. Democrats dared not simply because the real truth had been public knowledge for a long time:

If Putin had blackmail material on anybody he had a warehouse full of stuff on the Clintons and the Steel Dossier, and the Uranium One deal:

Hillary Clinton and the 2010 Uranium One deal with Russia are back in the news.

Senator Chuck Grassley (R- Iowa) wants the information obtained from a raid on the home of a former FBI contractor who provided watchdog documents related to former Secretary of State and the sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to a Russian firm.

Dec 13, 2018, 06:00am
Russian Uranium One Deal And Hillary Clinton In The News Again
James Conca

Democrats have three reasons for spending all of their time working to impeach President Trump.

1. Democrats cannot campaign on any of the Socialist policies they advocate.

2. Television mouths will smoother talk about Hillary by dominating the airwaves with impeachment chatter.

3. There is a lot of mileage left in the phony charges against Trump. In short: Never let a good lie go to waste.

In addition to everything else, tagging President Trump with treason will even the score for Alger Hiss:

NOTE: FDR’s fair-haired boy, Alger Hiss, presided as acting secretary-general at the U.N. Conference in San Francisco in 1945. That should tell everyone everything they need to know about Democrats and the U.N.

Instead of Democrats openly defending Hiss in their first attempt to whitewash his crime the Party of Liars called President Eisenhower a liar over the U-2 Spy Plane Affair. (Ike did not lie to the American people. He lied to the Russians to protect this country. Democrats lie to betray the country)

Bottom line: Judge Sullivan implying that President Trump committed treason for Russia via Michael Flynn is far more effective than simply calling Trump a liar.

Alger Hiss will remain the Democrat Party’s worst nightmare until another big name Democrat goes to jail. That is why media mouths will never say treason and Hillary Clinton in the same sentence; hence, an all-out effort to lay treason on President Trump without bringing a formal charge. A talking point would suffice if it does not backfire. Too late. It backfired. The stupidity of today’s Democrat Party brain trust is beyond comprehension. Five minutes of research will uncover the Democrat Party’s love affair with the Soviet Union throughout the Cold War and well into Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state —— think Russia and uranium.
Finally, there is not a chance Democrats can impeach President Trump. On the other hand, there is enough evidence to impeach Hillary Clinton. Obviously, a guilty verdict cannot remove her from a non-existent office, but it can send her to jail. If not jail time she can lose her secret service bodyguards, her pension, and everything else she gets from the federal government. A guilty verdict could even make her return the money she got from her crimes.

That Forbes article that you are referring to goes back to Dec. 2018, kind of getting old isn't it.
That Forbes article that you are referring to goes back to Dec. 2018, kind of getting old isn't it.

To Trumpet: Is commenting on the age of an article published seven month ago the only way you can defend Hillary Clinton?

In any event, Hillary Clinton committed her crime 9 years ago. That does not seem to bother you.

More importantly, Obama’s attorneys general, Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, were in Hillary Clinton’s pocket. Not so with AG Barr who might already be looking into Hillary Clinton’s treason in the Iran Deal.
To Trumpet: Is commenting on the age of an article published seven month ago the only way you can defend Hillary Clinton?

In any event, Hillary Clinton committed her crime 9 years ago. That does not seem to bother you.

More importantly, Obama’s attorneys general, Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, were in Hillary Clinton’s pocket. Not so with AG Barr who might already be looking into Hillary Clinton’s treason in the Iran Deal.

Aren't you just a bit detached.
Defending Donald Trump is a transgression that forfeits all respect and tolerance from human beings worthy of sharing the planet's oxygen supply.
I would go further to say that it forfeits any right to share in the planet's oxygen supply.
Defending Donald Trump is a transgression that forfeits all respect and tolerance from human beings worthy of sharing the planet's oxygen supply.
I would go further to say that it forfeits any right to share in the planet's oxygen supply.

The same could be said about you idiots that thought Obama was qualified solely because of skin color. Pucker up, boy.
Defending Donald Trump is a transgression that forfeits all respect and tolerance from human beings worthy of sharing the planet's oxygen supply.
I would go further to say that it forfeits any right to share in the planet's oxygen supply.

Who's going to enforce this? You lol?
Don Surber
Epstein dies of Arkancide
Saturday, August 10, 2019

Mueller better watch his ass:


Arkancide is the favored method of getting rid political enemies in the state of Arkansas. When the medical examiners explain away two bodies filled with bullets as a case of suicide, it's obvious they caught a case of arkancide.

Vince Foster was found dead in Fort Marcy Park, clearly it was a case of arkancide.

Hillary Clinton threatened Barack Obama with arkancide last Friday.

#clinton#whacks#anyoine who#threatens#his power
by England phi beta gamma May 26, 2008

AG Barr’s days are numbered if he digs into the Steele Dossier.

Had Hillary Clinton & Company ever had the slightest inkling she would lose the election there would have been no Steele Dossier.